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Could I set up a website with Dreamweaver one month trial?

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Joined: 09 Sep 06

Could I set up a website with Dreamweaver one month trial?

I want to know if I will be able to set up a website with Dreamweaver Free Trial, like in the videos?
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What videos are you referring to? Yes as far as I know Dreamweaver offers a fully functional trial for the 30 day period that they give you.

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Use the 30 day trial to see if you can get your head around Dreamweaver. If you find it useful then buy it after the 30 day trial is up. Your website is going to need constant updating and maintenance, so you're going to need something to use after the 30 day trial finishes.

I use Dreamweaver and I think it gives you the most flexibility and power to do what you want, but a lot of people find it too expensive, and too steep a learning curve. A lot of people prefer to use XSitePro, but that too has its own learning curve. Of course you can always teach yourself how to hand-code HTML :) Then you don't have to buy any software.

In any case you're also going to need hosting, and you're going to need to know how to upload your site and get everything working. I think a lot of people have more difficulty with this than the actual web design part. I'd encourage you to do a bit of reading first. Get one of those "for dummies" books out from the library. Get an idea how everything fits together and then go for it.

Let us know how you get on.

- Mark
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Thanks Mark and Adrian for your help.

Mark, Actually I already have some sites, and I build them myself, with Html . (I am not a pro, but I can do almost everything I need on my site.)

Also I prefer handcoding because you have more control on what you are doing.

I already have hosting, and everything, I read books...

I am earning between $500 and $1000 every month (selling affiliates products on my blogs and sites), and I hope to get higher earning soon, with your help.

I have almost finished my site, and I will put it for review soon.

My concern actually is to save time. I think I will try Dreamweaver, and eventually look at Xsitepro too.

I need simple and fast..

Thanks again.
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