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Copywriting and conditions of use

Posts: 14
Joined: 21 Jan 07

Copywriting and conditions of use

Hey guys,
Just a quick question. I know that if you want to use an image from someones site you would have to ask them first, but what if you want to take a screenshot of their site? I've done so and posted it on my affiliate site. I've clearly labelled it as a screenshot for their site as well. Is this legal?

Also I had a look at the Terms and Conditions of . I noticed that all the rules specified were in reference to the state of Texas - USA (as seen at the bottom of the page). Does Texas have some special laws governing websites? Can people from Australia use them as well?

Thanks guys,
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daveboz wrote:Hey guys,
Just a quick question. I know that if you want to use an image from someones site you would have to ask them first, but what if you want to take a screenshot of their site? I've done so and posted it on my affiliate site. I've clearly labelled it as a screenshot for their site as well. Is this legal?

Also I had a look at the Terms and Conditions of . I noticed that all the rules specified were in reference to the state of Texas - USA (as seen at the bottom of the page). Does Texas have some special laws governing websites? Can people from Australia use them as well?

Thanks guys,

I don't think it matters that much..... but if you want to get techinical you would have to apply the DMCA and the fair use test (purpose, nature, effect, amount).
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I have used screenshots of sites all the time. Mostly with reviews etc, so the site owner would be pretty stupid to not let me use them.

But listen to Adrian, I know he has a decent knowledge of digital law ;)
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Thanks guys! :D
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