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ClickBank Order Form Conversions

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ClickBank Order Form Conversions

Hi all,

I have a question for anyone with experience in selling their own product through ClickBank.

I created and launched my first ClickBank product recently. I've had many affiliates signup and all drive some traffic to my pitch page (450 clicks from affiliate referrals so far), and from those 37 have clicked on the Buy Now link to the order form.

However, no one has actually bought the product. I have heard from others I know who have products on ClickBank that you typically get 1 order for every 4 clicks on the order form. If that were the case, I would have 9 completed sales so far.

So my questions are: how do I test what the issue is, and what do you recommend I do to encourage fulfilment from the order page? I know how to run A/B tests on my pitch to improve clicks to the order page, but I'm lost as to what to do to improve order page to an actual order.

Note that I do list the price on my pitch page, so they know the price before they click the Buy button.

Thanks in advanced!

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Clickbank just posted to their blog a post related to your question: ... rder-form/

I'm not sure what you can edit on the checkout Clickbank page but here are a couple of great articles I have bookmarked on optimizing checkouts:

Moz - Holy Grail of eCommerce Conversion Optimization - 91 Point Checklist and Infographic

Kissmetrics - 40 Checkout Page Strategies to Improve Conversion Rates
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Hi Terry,

I have no experience with selling my own product, but looking at your product sales page from a consumer's point of view, it's lacking. There are grammatical errors here and there, and the content is just not convincing. There was no clear need that was established. You might want to have another sales page done and then do a split test between the sales page you have now and the new one.

That infographic that Andrew shared is an excellent article detailing the various areas of your site and content that you can tweak to improve conversion. Mary also wrote a post on converting traffic to sales that can help.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi Andrew, thanks for the links and the infographic. I will be checking them out tonight.

Hi Cecille - yes, I agree. i was struggling to make it convincing. I am thinking about how one makes a pitch page for a recreational photography product convey a "need". I have done some A/B testing with minor tweaks, but will try anew again.

I appreciate the feedback from both of you!

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Hi Terry,

How is your sales page doing? Were you able to convert sales after tweaking it?

I am thinking about how one makes a pitch page for a recreational photography product convey a "need"

You can point out in the sales page that most of us tend to take bad pictures using the cameras on our mobile phones. It's a waste to have a camera on our phones and not be able to take advantage of its features, or even make good use of it by taking good images. Instead of beautiful high-res images, you can use commonplace images like pictures from a mobile phone taken during a birthday party, or a class graduation. These are the events we usually want preserved.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi Cecille

I've implemented some changes. I now open with a video (although a friend of mine thinks its too long). I open the video showing samples of what a typical photo could be and what one looks like using my process.

I also addressed a few grammatical items, reduced the content a bit, and simplified the guarantee area.

I am currently split testing the last version of the page with the new one. However, I notice a few things with Google Experiments. 1) even though I add the code to the page, it never seems to be able to verify that. 2) it does not consistently balance traffic between pages. For example, the first few days of the split test, both landing pages had near equal traffic. In the past two days, all traffic went to the original page. I find that odd, and it makes it harder to assess which is truly better.

Thanks for the additional advice. I will work to incorporate it into my pages!!

My split page is here, in case Google does not redirect you to this version.

http://www.ultimatesmartphonecloseupmac ... ro-guide-2

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Hi Terry,

I like this new sales page better! You are able to explain in the video what the product is all about and how it could help me, the user, which very important.

I'm sorry, I'm not all that familiar with using Google Experiments. Have you contacted them regarding the issue with the traffic?

Hope that helps. All the best!
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This topic was started on Oct 01, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
