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Choosing a domain name

sue c
Posts: 4
Joined: 30 Jun 07

Choosing a domain name

Hi Sean, Adrian & all

I'm just at the stage of choosing a domain name and I have a shortlist of a few possibilities, but it is throwing up some questions for me:
- is it better to have the word 'review' in domain name or not?
- when there are 2 main words in domain name, is it important that keyword phrase should be first?
- or does it not matter so long as main keyword is in domain name?

I'd be grateful for any answers. Thanks!! :D
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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
As long as your domain is relevant to the topic you plan to do, it will be fine. Try to keep the domain somewhat short, and to the point, under 25 characters is best. You do not need to use "review" in the URL if you don't want to. Using a keyword in the domain also helps a little bit.
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sue c
Posts: 4
Joined: 30 Jun 07
OK thanks for the advice. :)
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Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
I'd try to find a balance between finding a name that contains your keywords and something that sounds cool.

It's not a huge deal, so don't worry too much :)
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