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Can't get font into my header image in

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Can't get font into my header image in

Hi guys

I think my PC using vista must be different than Aletta's because I couldn't see any of the tools on my PC that she was referring to in the video at the top (File, Edit, View etc ) Maybe I didn't shut down properly,

I just deleted it with the red X top right, didn't give specifics in the video (I'm likely doing a lousy job of explaining this as there were a lot of steps involved) but it started when fonts and graphics were downloaded to my PC and I couldn't see any similarities from the video after that.

I built the header I want in and then proceeded to Stock.Xchange to find my font which I saved to my computer.

Now the fun begins as I tried to follow Aletta which made me think we are using 2 different Vista's, and I figured for anyone to talk me through this one would be a miracle.

So I figured I have my header graphic in my downloads folder and I decided to use a font from my own PC which has a selection of about 400 fonts to choose from

So now how do I put the 2 together in, then into XsitePro

Thanks Larry
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Larry Bauge
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Trust: is compatible with Windows Vista (

You mentioned that you can't see the options at the top (File, View, Edit, etc.). May I ask you to open Paint.Net now and see if they are still missing? Is the image already in your header? And you just need to add the font, is that right?

If you can open Paint.Net and your header and the options on top are there. Go to "Window" and choose "Tools" from the drop down menu. When the tools are displayed, click the letter "T", choose the font (3rd row, top menu) and then start typing your text. Don't forget to save your file as '.pdn' (so that you could edit it later) then save it as '.jpeg' or '.gif' (so that you'll be able to upload it to your site).

It is recommended to add a new layer if you're going to put a text on your header so that it will be easier to edit and move around.
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marymeagan wrote: So now how do I put the 2 together in, then into XsitePro

To put the header into your web page, open the site project in XSitePro. Click Page Layout > Header Panel. Click the folder beside “Image”. Click “Select From Hard Drive” to find the header that you created then double click the file.
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Larry, Larry, Larry.

I'm going to suggest to the bosses that we spring for your airfare over to New Zealand so that I can sit you down in front of a computer and watch you work.

If you've got your image into your header.... and you've got 400 fonts on your computer to choose from.... then I reckon you're most of the way there. Do like Michelle says to get the text onto your image.

Be sure to create a new layer, because otherwise you won't be able to change the text once you put it onto the image, and if you decide you want a different font, or a different size, or a different colour, you would hve to close down your image and re-open it. That's bad. So make a new layer.

The next time we make a video like this, I'm going to be thinking of you :)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!
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Hi again Michell and Aletta

Michell helped me get my fonts onto my graphic and I think it looks great (and I am sorry for being such a pain, and I would love to come to New Zealand LOL)

But my biggest problem is that my computer doesn't do some of the things that your computer does (It's only one year old lap top) for example - in when I watch the video and the header is ready to be saved, Aletta clicks on save as and is taken to her desktop where she can change the pdn to jpeg.(meaning there are multiple options to choose from)

When I click on save as I get only the one option (it is in my downloads folder) and that is pdn. meaning I can't use it until it is changed to jpeg. (it's my downloads folder that appears and not my desk top)

So maybe I did something wrong further on down the line which is creating a bunch of problems now.

Sorry for being such a lousy student as I hope I don't have to break the record for posts in this forum if I haven't already (a year ago all I knew about computers is to turn it on)

Thanks again : Larry
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Larry Bauge
Posts: 311
Joined: 29 Nov 09
Hi Michell

I finally figured it out ( I just switched my download folder into my Desktop which gave me the file I needed for my header to be switched over to XsitePro)

I have never tried it before but it worked.

Then I just followed your advice to get my header into XsitePro (which I think I could have also got from the video at that point)

Thanks again Michell


PS - If Aletta still wants me to come to New Zealand then I'm game LOL
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Larry Bauge

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