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Can anyone tell me where to get free banners?

Posts: 311
Joined: 29 Nov 09

Can anyone tell me where to get free banners?

Hi guys

I know what your thinking (Affiliate area on the site I'm promoting, StockXchng, (Internal Server Errors, makes me think this site is dead) Google free banners) I found nothing

I am promoting 5 Alternative energy products and Solar and Magnetic energy has great banners which I used, but when I got to HHO generators, their site only had a link to another site to make banners which I thought looked ridiculous plus no instructions available for building a banner but hated what I did produce

I chose 3 lovely water scenes in StockXchng and made Gifs out of them for one of my HHO pages but I'm not sure that this is very relevant but does look great (I think buyer would mostly admire the 3 gorgeous water scenes )

My other 4 sites I am promoting have adequate banners but HHO has a useless banner building site, I guess I have to be creative but I do need some images or graphics that are relevant to HHO generators.

Can anyone give me a heads up on this

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Larry Bauge
Posts: 29
Joined: 30 Nov 09
Hi Larry
You could try says its free. One of the many things I joined up when beginning affiliate marketing. Have not used it or looked far into it, just thought it might come in handy one day when at that stage. If it is any good let me know:))

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Posts: 311
Joined: 29 Nov 09
Hi Steven

Thanks for the heads up on instant banner creator, it's an amazing site and it does have a free section.

I joined up only to be taken to a sales page to buy a reduced one time offer of $147.00 US for access to everything on there site even video tutorials.

In the free section there is a video showing you how to use the free stuff, which I think is good enough for me at the moment.

So again, thanks Steven for your help.

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Larry Bauge
Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Hi Larry,
If you need some banners just PM me. I offer good discounts for members.
if you want free then try out

Hope that helps.

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