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Building my first website - Reseller account? Pros and cons?

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Joined: 23 Feb 07

Building my first website - Reseller account? Pros and cons?

Hello all! Name is Erik and I am excited to be here. I just joined a few days ago. I am going through the videos and see the need to have a website. I was thinking about a reseller account with gator or godaddy. can anyone please give me the pro's and con's especially the long term senario?

Best Regards

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oba888 wrote:Hello all! Name is Erik and I am excited to be here. I just joined a few days ago. I am going through the videos and see the need to have a website. I was thinking about a reseller account with gator or godaddy. can anyone please give me the pro's and con's especially the long term senario?

Best Regards



I would not host with godaddy. From experience it is best to register and host with separate companies. Why are you interested in having a reseller account? Do you plan to have multiple domains and create your own package?

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Hi Adrian,

I was thinking in terms of something that would eventually expand on its own. ie resellers under me. In the video's Mark spoke of having a good strong site. Can you share pros and cons of this stragity? I do have other ideas too. but I am tring to get input from some of you older more experienced affiliates. I am a one man show. I want to work smart before hard. I have no problems with hard though. With all this being said, I think I am looking for a structure on a topic that will last and grow on its own when treated right.

Kind Regards
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oba888 wrote:Hi Adrian,

I was thinking in terms of something that would eventually expand on its own. ie resellers under me. In the video's Mark spoke of having a good strong site. Can you share pros and cons of this stragity? I do have other ideas too. but I am tring to get input from some of you older more experienced affiliates. I am a one man show. I want to work smart before hard. I have no problems with hard though. With all this being said, I think I am looking for a structure on a topic that will last and grow on its own when treated right.

Kind Regards


Having a good strong site is a great plan, however that has no meaning or relevance to do with a reseller account unless you plan to focus your site around resellers. You will do just fine with basic hosting. This is really a personal preference issue too since some people like to have a few sites on one server and create their own packages. First decide on a topic you want to go after then let us know.
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Yeh I've never been a reseller myself and I don't see any reason why you have to either.

I use hostgator, which I think are great if you plan on having a few sites eventually. Their support is great too, if you're a technical dummy like me and need to ask them questions from time to time :)

I've also used aplus and bluehost, but I wouldn't bother with them anymore.
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Thanks guys for responding. I have a few years of studing one of the afro cuban religions. I thought about a site based on that but it just doesn't seem profitable. Or I have not found the profit in it :wink: Can something really be too "nichie" like this?
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Well, it all depends on if there is a market for that niche. You can go as "nichie" as you want, as long as there is a market for it. And new niches are made everyday.

I have no idea about afro cuban religions, but it could go either way. You need to do the research to find out for sure.
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Hey Erik,

For your first site either GoDaddy or Hostgator can handle your domain name and hosting just fine. It's a lot less hassle to organize them through the same company. I also don't see any need for you to have a reseller account. I did a blog post on hosting not so long ago... ... ffiliates/

As for your topic, make sure you do your research to find out if it's going to be profitable. I'm guessing that with your topic, most people are looking for information, so it might indeed be a tricky one. Go through the lessons in the "finding profitable markets and conducting research" section and let us know how you go.

All the best,
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