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Bad header quality in Wordpress .H-E-L-P Please!

Posts: 77
Joined: 06 Jun 09

Bad header quality in Wordpress .H-E-L-P Please!

Hello everyone!

I'm REALLY STUCK on this. I was was wondering if anyone has had similar issues and what a solution might be.

I just started using Wordpress 3.1 and have changed the default header on my installed theme; which is Twenty Ten.

By the way, I usually use XSite Pro and Hostgator hosting and have no problems with image quality. Always perfect.

Anyway, when I change the header under the appearance option WP displays it at lower resolution, it doesn't look good. In fact it's quite bad. The reduced quality is marked.

The header is 940 x 198 in size, 134kb in size and 72 DPI. Saved under Photoshop, optimized for the web. I've tried reducing the image size, quality, no matter it still displays badly under Wordpress. According to WP is doesn't need to crop it. It doesn't matter which image I use it's always bad under WP.

The default header for this theme looks great. I downloaded it as a test. Still great quality. I then changed the header for the copy I'd downloaded and WordPress again stuffed-up the quality. So it's not related to my images.

Wordpress doesn't need to crop this image according to what it says. As soon as I choose to load the file the quality is reduced on screen.

When I save it and go to my home page it looks equally bad.

As a test I FTP'd a copy to my domain and it displays perfectly.

So there's something going on with the way WP loads in images for me. Is this a theme thing?

There's not a lot of information about this on the web. One suggestion is to modify the php.ini fil, something about thumbnails not resizing properly but it's so confusing. It doesn't make any sense.

Can anyone PLEASE, PLEASE help? I've been helping out with a friend's site, they use WordPress as well and their headers display perfectly on their site. Not sure who they are using for hosting. I tested out their headers via my WP installation and they look bad as well.

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Posts: 105
Joined: 02 May 11
It may be related to the image package installed on the hostgator hosting, which will either be GD or imagemajik. I cant imagine that a hosting company as large as hostgator has issues with Wordpress headers.

Do you have a link so we can take a closer look? Have you tried the wordpress forums?
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Posts: 848
Joined: 28 Jun 09
First thing I would check is what is the page width in the theme. This should match the width of your banner for it to display properly.
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Have questions about creating images? Want an image created for you? Check out my site at
Posts: 77
Joined: 06 Jun 09
Thanks for the advice essexboyracer and gradyp. I finally realized what the problem was. Ages ago my wife installed a little app called Shrinkpic which automatically resizes any uploaded image. It comes in real handy when sending photos.

Anyway - you guessed it - as it turned out I thought it was "inactive" but it was only hiding in the background though silently reducing my image quality. It was not giving normal notifications saying it had resized images so I didn't twig at first. I removed it and hey presto, beautiful quality headers once more.

Thanks again guys I really appreciate your help. I hope to return the favour one day! :)

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This topic was started on Jul 20, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
