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Articles, keywords and site layout

Posts: 47
Joined: 25 Nov 09

Articles, keywords and site layout

Hello Board,

I am trying to apply the principles in Marks affiliobluprint to one of my ecommerce sites for SEO. I have come up with about 25 long tail buyer keywords and have the articles written about them for the respective pages on my website. Now the problem is that I already have these pages named after the category like "model X widget" but I am targeting the phrase "green widgets for sale" on that page but I can not re-name it or the page will not make much sense.

So is it ok to name the page something different than the keyword phrase you are targeting on that page, maybe also give it the name of your keyword phrase with a link on the homepage other than the existing link on the menue bar? I hope my question is making sense...
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Posts: 47
Joined: 25 Nov 09
I think I will just add the pages to my menu bar......
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thenewb wrote:Hello Board,

I am trying to apply the principles in Marks affiliobluprint to one of my ecommerce sites for SEO. I have come up with about 25 long tail buyer keywords and have the articles written about them for the respective pages on my website. Now the problem is that I already have these pages named after the category like "model X widget" but I am targeting the phrase "green widgets for sale" on that page but I can not re-name it or the page will not make much sense.

So is it ok to name the page something different than the keyword phrase you are targeting on that page, maybe also give it the name of your keyword phrase with a link on the homepage other than the existing link on the menue bar? I hope my question is making sense...

I'm not sure if I understand your question but...

to give yourself an SEO edge you should name your page; (or htm or php)

you should also be linking to the page internally (from your sidebar menu or within your content) with "your long tail keyword" as your link.

does that make sense?
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Posts: 47
Joined: 25 Nov 09
Yeah man, I will do that plus the meta tags, content, backlinks, etc... But I was just trying to make it work with my existing deep pages that are not yet optimized. It is like a square peg in a round hole... I will just add the new pages no big deal.... Thanks for your input.
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This topic was started on Dec 25, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
