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Any opinions on XSitePro?

Posts: 14
Joined: 18 Apr 07

Any opinions on XSitePro?

Has anyone used XcitePro? Any opinions on how good or not good it is? Right now I am using Frontpage & its getting a little frustrating. I know Dreamweaver is meant to be the best & I used to know how to sort of use it, but I wanted to see if there was a more automated package out there.

I looked on XcitePro's website & all the things its meant to do & it sounds great. But then I looked at the testimonials & the sites that these guys have set up using XcitePro & only 1 in 10 sites actually look professional. Any thoughts?

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Posts: 40
Joined: 15 Dec 06
Hi Colin,

I don't know much about XcitePro, but if you are looking for something much more automated check out my sig.

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Site Admin
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Have you looked at the websites of people using Dreamweaver? Perhaps one in ten of THOSE looks professional too! It all comes down to how you use the tool, not the tool itself.

That said, if you're going to be investing money and time into learning a new software (XSitePro will have it's own learning curve) I'd still recommend going with Dreamweaver. If you get a second-hand copy off eBay it won't be much more expensive.

My two cents.
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If you're looking for "automation" then XsitePro would be an excellent choice - it automatically links pages together, makes sure that images are in the right folders, creates sitemaps, has seo reminder tabs, and preformatted and even uploads the site up to your server among dozens of other features.

The downside is: without modifications XSP sites are really ugly IMO and as you have noted very unprofessional looking. If you really take your time and learn how the templates are made though, you CAN create some nice looking sites.

I also found that the software became unstable as my website grew and would crash constantly.

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Posts: 6
Joined: 14 Jun 07
Hi there,

I'm using XSite Pro and am really happy with it.

Before I purchased it I was also concerned about the unprofessional look of some sites created in XSP. But then I created my own and - according to some professional web designers I know - it looks really, really cool. Actually I like my website, too, and trust me - it takes a lot to satisfy my taste... ;)

I had some issues with publishing; in the end it turned out the problem wasn't directly connected to the XSP software. Anyway, I opened a few tickets with their customer service; it usually took about 20 min for them to get back to me with a solution. I found their service really helpful, professional and friendly.

Even though XSP won't let you get as creative as DW would, it is still a great piece of software. I would recommend it to anyone.

Just one last advice - once you buy XSP, make sure you complete the tutorial. You will fly in no time :D

Hope this helps :)
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