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Amazon astore

Posts: 42
Joined: 23 Nov 09

Amazon astore

Does anyone have an astore loaded on their site? The dimensions are really big and dont fit on my site and so Im wondering whether to change it to an external link setup.

Would love to hear other people's experiences, plus thoughts on having Amazon on an affiliate site at all.

Thanks in advance!
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Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
i had one on for several months. Google cant read the page, and you will be lucky to get it ranking. In 5 months, i made 1 sale, for a whopping $2 comission. id rather have the space taken with an affilaite product that will may me $20 comissions personally.
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I have never tried an aStore, but I just bought WpZonBuilder and have built one store using it. It allows you to create an Amazon affiliate store out of a Wordpress blog. I've done it with the Thesis theme. It's only been up for one day so I can't say how well it is doing as yet.
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Posts: 26
Joined: 03 Nov 08
I created one using Thesis theme and promoted it for several months. Conversion was high (11%) but traffic was very low using an iframe inside Wordpress. The product links--carousels and all--at the bottom of posts pull somewhat better, but I'm in the mobile/wireless niche with low CTR's on most everything, including blog content.
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Brian Prows
Director of Mobile & New Media

This topic was started on Jun 16, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.