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Affoliblueprint theme in wordpress

Posts: 4
Joined: 20 Apr 09

Affoliblueprint theme in wordpress

I will be using wordpress. I have gone through the first
videos, and have my header done and my text written

How do I get the affilo blueprint theme into wordpress?
Mark says tidy up the layout using the theme options panel
if your using Affilobluprint theme. If not using affilobluprint
theme. I will have to learn to edit html and css

It’s taken me forever to get this far. html and css are
going to have to wait. This is making me crazy.

Thanks in advance

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Posts: 42
Joined: 21 Nov 08
you need to upload the AB theme using ftp into the theme folder:
public_html/wp-content/themes. activate the theme and set the ab theme options. no need to edit using html and css.
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Don't forget to unzip the files before you upload the theme.

The video shows it all step-by-step.
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Posts: 4
Joined: 20 Apr 09
Hi Jeannie & Susb8383

Thank you for your reply to my question. Sorry but I don't quite understand it all.
I'm a newbie, could you go into a little more detail? I understand the concept but don't know the steps.

Greatly appreciated
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Posts: 752
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hi cydnie

im assuming youve downloaded the zip file from the AB homepage (if not add that step) - I have PM'd you the download link.

step 1 - after downloading the zip file to your computer, right-click on it and choose unzip (or extract). extract the folder to the same directory. The folder you will need to upload to your wordpress site is called affiloblueprint_theme_1.0

step 2 - start your FTP program (I recommend the FireFTP addon for Firefox) and connect to your site.

step 3 - On the left side of the program, navigate the local folder to where the folder mentioned above is located e.g. the Windows Desktop.

step 4 - On the right side you should be able to view the folder for your website (aka remote folders). Navigate to the wp-content > themes folder.

step 5 - Go back to the left side of the FTP program (local folders) right-click on the theme folder and choose upload

step 6 - when it has finished uploading you should be able to go to the wordpress admin screen > appearance > themes and choose the aff premium theme. click it then click activate.

and thats it!

hope that helps
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I just tried doing the above method, i.e , download it from filezilla BUT when I refresh in in my wordpress dashboard I cant see the afflorama blue print theme on it.

Anyone could you please let me know whether is there any method where I could download the affilorama blueprint theme and then install it on wordpress. Need an urgent feedback .

Thanks a heaps.
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Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
Coolkid, you can get the affiloblueprint theme in the AB members area, if you are a member. then you can upload it via ftp, or through the install theme function inside your wordpress dashboard.
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