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Affilorama Wordpress Theme - Sidebar Menu Problem

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Joined: 04 Nov 08

Affilorama Wordpress Theme - Sidebar Menu Problem


I joined Affilorama this past week and just installed the Affilorama Wordpress Theme on one of my existing blogs. I have a problem with the titles of the posts not showing up on the left sidebar. And the page titles show up at the very bottom of the sidebar, not at the top.

Any ideas on how to fix that problem? Thank you.

- Dave Pipitone
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- Dave

Dave Pipitone

"Today is the only day you have for greatness. Make it a great day!"
Posts: 60
Joined: 11 Mar 09
Hmmm, it almost sounds to me like the install of the theme didn't work properly. I installed it today and it worked fine.

Personally, I would deactivate the theme, upload it again, and reactivate it.
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You can only use the 'pages' feature in wordpress apparently. If you try to use posts it won't work properly. It's covered in one of the videos.
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I did a local install of Wordpress in WinXP for "just-trying-stuff-out" before building live on a commercial server. I had a problem also with the Affilorama Theme not displaying the sidebar and also not displaying the footer. I'm using Pages and not Posts. I downloaded the theme again and did a reinstall and reactivate. No luck ... problem persists. Played around with other themes and those seem to work fine. Kinda Stumped now and having to use some other theme to go through the examples.
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Ok, Problem solved..
I installed Wordpress and the AffiloBlueprint Theme on a Linux server and so far it works according to the videos.
So, it should work fine once I get a HostGator account.
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I am unable to change the font color or background color on the sidebar. Everything else works just great in Wordpress. Any ideas?

Jeff Ellis
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Once you install the Affiloblueprint Theme, a new option in the Wordpress admin area will appear in the Appearance section labeled Theme Options.

Click this to go to the Affiloblueprint Theme options, and scroll down to the Sidebar section. There is an option labeled "Sidebar text color", and also one labeled "Sidebar link color". Change these, (see here for some ideas on what you can change them to

Do the same for the Sidebar background color.

Save the settings.

Now go to your website and you should notice the new colours.
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hi guys!
Posts: 32
Joined: 27 Oct 08
As mentioned by ssrice01 the Affiloblueprint Wordpress Theme uses Pages and not Posts. As such, the sidebar styles (and others) will only be correctly displayed when viewing a Page.

Make sure you add your content as a Page (not a Post), and set your default front page to be a Page (Settings > Reading).
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hi guys!
Posts: 9
Joined: 05 May 09
Yes, I watched the video. This actually has to be changed in the CSS.
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Posts: 75
Joined: 29 Apr 09
I am in section 5 and I cannot figure out how to change the order of the sidebar so that my product comparison pages and my review pages are at the top. So I guess the basic question is; How do you control the arrangement of the order in the side bar? By the way I'm using wordpress and the affilorama theme and I am using the pages mode not the post mode.

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to change the order the pages are listed in, use the Order ID field while editing a wordpress page. i would recommend 10 for the page that shows at the top, then 20, 30 and so on, allowing you space in between.

you can use the quick edit option in WP to change the Order ID for a page
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