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Advanced Wordpress Users Please Help

Posts: 47
Joined: 17 Apr 10

Advanced Wordpress Users Please Help

I'm going nuts with this problem, and I'd really appreciate some help. I can't get my Wordpress site to accept any links that I try to input. When I highlight text and try to put in my Amazon affiliate link, for some reason after I save it, it adds the URL from my actual site plus some HTML in front of the actual affiliate link. There is a huge block of code, so it's not easy (for me anyways) to edit the code.

When the link gets clicked on, it tries to go to a page on my site that doesn't exist (the page just says "404" and nothing else). I've tried putting in the correct affiliate link several times, and this happens to all of my links every time.

And it's not only my hypertext, it happens with my images too! When I go to add my affiliate link in "Link URL", after I hit save, it goes back to this "uploads" link with my website URL in it.

This really sucks because my site is ranking well, and nobody can click on my links! Can somebody please help?
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Last edited by 187345 on 13 Apr 11 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Some people say I've got a problem with authority, so what if I do man, it beats relinquishing control"- NOFX
Posts: 373
Joined: 24 Nov 09
I never heard of that,

Is it possible that you have some kinda of link cloacking plug-in that is running amuck?
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JC Dean
Site Admin
Posts: 1874
Joined: 05 May 09
Did you try to shorten your link? There might be a limitation in the length of the string that can be entered into the "Link URL" field. Using a url shortener like sounds like the easiest way make the URL work. Please go to this site and enter your long URL. They will generate a shorter URL that you could use.

If that doesn't work, can you give us temporary access to your WP admin area so that we could check what's causing the error? If so, please email us through our support page and send us your site URL and the temporary login details.

You may create a temporary administrator user in the 'Users' menu of your WordPress site. From your dashboard, go to users on the left hand side. From there you can add a new user, and set the status to admin. Once the staff is done, you can delete the user or change the password.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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Thanks for the reply guys...

JCDean, no I don't believe it's a link cloaking plug in....I haven't installed one! Thanks though...

Michellerana, I tried the TinyURL site, and it didn't accept those links either. I will set up the temporary access as you suggested and forward you the details....thank you so much!
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"Some people say I've got a problem with authority, so what if I do man, it beats relinquishing control"- NOFX
Site Admin
Posts: 1874
Joined: 05 May 09
I have forwarded the issue to our technical staff. I will update this thread as soon as I receive a feedback.

Thanks for your patience!
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Customer Support

Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:

This topic was started on Apr 12, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
