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quick ppc question

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

quick ppc question

I did a little ppc earlier in the year then stopped but have a question. I know from using google adwords that the ads show up everywhere because I use yahoo and see the adwords logo by most of the adds but if i were to use ads 360 or msn or any the other ad compaines would they show up on google when people are doing a search or does google block other peoples ads, thanks
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Joined: 07 Dec 10
????? I think you were mistaking, Yahoo has it's own paid traffic company call overture so the paid ads you saw were not from google it was from yahoo. MSN has it's own paid traffic network Call Bing. So what you saw was the same campaign set up on yahoo.
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
Sorry but I don't think so, I always use Yahoo and I see adds on yahoo all the time and they say right there for everyone ads powered by google so if it isn't a google add then why does it say google,
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Google and Yahoo started an advertising partnership in 2008 but only Google Ads are displayed along with Yahoo Search Marketing ads in the Yahoo Search results pages. However, showing of Yahoo ads on Google's search results are not part of the advertising agreement. You could read Google's announcement on this page:

Google Announces Non-Exclusive Advertising Services Agreement with Yahoo! in U.S. and Canada
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