Posts: 201
Joined: 05 Sep 06
20 Sep 06 5:49 pm
Hi John,
Although I'm no Adwords expert, I had some success with it. I can only offer you insight as to what I would do...
because the product that your promoting has a $65.00 commission (aprox) I would definitely pause the campaign to take a look at it. My formula is that I kill any campaign that exceeds the would be profit from 1 sale, so I would have paused it at $65.
Next, I would look at the keywords that your using to make sure they were really targeted towards your best prospects. Your getting a lot of impressions but not so many clicks, so I'd suspect you need to address the keywords that your targeting. I like to start out slowly with my keywords and build them up over time.
The next thing I would do is take a look at the headline, if you're getting that many clicks with no takers your headline, may be offering a benefit that the product sales page doesn't actually confirm. When direct linking to an affilaite page, I want my headline and ad make promises that the sale page will keep.
Hope that helps,