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Media Buys - Is there a way to get around the $2000 min?

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Joined: 03 Dec 09

Media Buys - Is there a way to get around the $2000 min?

Hi All

Due to the recenet issues with PPC I want to try Media Buys but after contacting a number of suitable media outlets it seems the minimum buy is like $2000 mostly.

Can anyone tell me how to get around this?


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Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06
Hey, $2000 minimum?

Yup. This is for those who are not in the know...

Depends on what you need? CPV, Banner ads, blog advertising?

Give more details so I can help you.

I recently started with this, and I learned a lot about the subject. I took massive action as well.

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Hi Fanck

Thanks for the response. The area I am targeting is startup business owners as my service sells well to that market. So I did see sauls webinar on media buys and used quancast and google to target the highest ranking sites for those sorts of keywords. Anyway the sites that came up were like and others that I think might be a good fit under their startup dedicated pages however has said the minimum spend is $2500.00 no exceptions. I asked If I could trial over a few days and they said no trials.....

Any ideas on how to get around this? Other sites I emailed also had $1500 + in minimums. The sites I saw on the adbrite network looked poor to me. not relevant at all. My preferance is to use this method of choosing my targets but how to I get out of the minimum buy issue and or is there somewhere else I can buy quality traffic. I mean adbrite etc to me is not far off the content network and thats too general in traffic.

What attracted me to this method was targeting the top sites in google for certain keywords and buying their traffic.

So what now?


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Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06
Hey Manny,

I see. I'm testing this myself. You can try (you'll be able to target the page of sites like CNN, etc). There is just $100 minimum.

I'm experimenting some other sites right now. I'll update when I get some results.

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