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Large reach, local campaign

Posts: 38
Joined: 10 Jul 09

Large reach, local campaign

Situation: Promoting a new local housing community targeting the Eastern half of the US .

Question: Is it better to add the city and state to each of the keywords or to add the city and state to the text of the ad? I am trying to prevent clicks from individuals looking for new homes in other locations.


Should I target by keyword:

Keywords.................................Local Tageted Keywords

new homes Atlanta, GA
new townhomes Atlanta, GA
new construction, Atlanta, GA

OR should I use general keywords like "new homes" and place the location in the Ads like so?:

New Homes Atlanta, GA
Find Water Front Homes For Sale
Resort Style Amenities. Call Today!

Is there a benefit doing this one way over the other?

Any insights or recommedations would be greatly appreciated.

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Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
keyword research. see what people are searching for. it may change from keyword to keyword.
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Definitely the way to go is to bid on keywords with the geographic location in it, and to also (sensibly) keyword stuff your ads.

I actually use the one keyword per adgroup structure, so a couple of adgroups I'd create would be:

Agroup 1
Keyword: [new homes atlanta]
Ad Creative:
New Homes Atlanta, GA
Find Water Front Homes For Sale
Resort Style Amenities. Call Today!

Agroup 2
Keyword: [new homes atlanta ga]
Ad Creative:
New Homes Atlanta, GA
Find Water Front Homes For Sale
Resort Style Amenities. Call Today!

Using Google Keyword Tool for these types of queries isn't all that helpful. It won't report many of them because their volume would be too small. However, there could be plenty for your purposes. (For example: dublin washing machine repairs gets me lots of traffic, but doesn't show up as having any local searches in Ireland.)

A good way of getting ideas of what people could be typing in is to type the keyword into Google yourself, and see what Google auto-suggests as you type the words in. Many people will click on these suggestions and you can pick up nice long tail keywords with exact matches that no-one else is competing exactly on. The will be competing with "new homes" but you will have an advantage.

I hope that helps.

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Posts: 38
Joined: 10 Jul 09

Thank you SOOO much. I thought this was the way to go but wanted conformation from others who have experience with similar campaigns. You helped a lot!

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Posts: 90
Joined: 18 Aug 10
such a nice information sharing and helpful for local compaign.
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