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Google Adwords Vouchers and My PPC Fears

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Google Adwords Vouchers and My PPC Fears

I have been getting these vouchers from google so that I can try advertising my sites using adwords. And they represent good amounts and I was sorely tempted to try it out as I do not do much traffic generation to my own sites by way of PPC (read none). So far I have used only SEO and I must say that the results are good.

And so I did go in to see how it would be and found that I cannot use the voucher for the activation of my adwords account and the thrifty (cheap? miserly?) grandmother in me balked and I did not go through with it. I somehow have this fear of running up huge bills for PPC ads.

Ah, negativism! Do not emulate me. There are a lot of benefits to be derived from PPC and similar paid traffic generation methods. But dive into it only when you are ready, which I definitely am not.
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Once you use a voucher, you're not obliged to spend more money. You can simply deplete the 50$ and then decide if you want to spend more money. I recommend using the prepaid option in that case, it's the best thing you can do when using Adwords.
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unfortunately, in my country, if using adword voucher will get suspended.
Anyone know a trick to not suspended if using a voucher?
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Google will only suspend your account when using Adwords voucher if you have not made an initial prepayment of funds: Campaign status: Suspended. The way the system works is that when you enter a promotional code to your account that is on pre-pay, you will have to make an initial prepayment: How do I make a prepayment by credit card? - Adwords Help

Once you've done that, the account is credited with your amount and that of the promotional code. The alert should not reflect at this point.
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cool my to my sites
  • 0,  ads.txt:, pub-8859727898087585, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-8859727898087585, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Google Payment Corp
Google Inc.
Attn: Google Wallet
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Google Payment Corp. – Complaints Handling
P.O. Box 727
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aref959 wrote:cool my to my sites
  • 0,  ads.txt:, pub-8859727898087585, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-8859727898087585, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Google Payment Corp
Google Inc.
Attn: Google Wallet
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Google Payment Corp. – Complaints Handling
P.O. Box 727
Mountain View, CA 94042

This topic was started on Oct 08, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
