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Day Job Killer - started with a single Adwords campaign!

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Day Job Killer - started with a single Adwords campaign!


Not sure is you allow this sort of post in this section of the forum so apologies if not, please remove it OR move it to where it should be if not (i couldn't see a 'Members Recommended Products Section'

This puts the Google Cash method back in the game …

Here are my thoughts for Affilorama members that may not be up to speed with this ... OR if as i imagine, the many of you that have heard all the hype surrounding Day Job Killer ...

let me take you back to the internet marketing scene last April.

Back then a single Adwords campaign was launched, one that would eventually lead 24 "failing" affiliates down the path to financial freedom - and ultimately results in me writing this message to you today.

Back then, a guide was released called Adwords Miracle. It launched with no hype, just a single Adwords campaign.

Fast forward a few months, and word gets out about the product -- it goes viral. Many wonder how it happened...

That was April.

In September, the author decides he has had enough with the "industry B.S.", and so he decides to take 12 newbies affiliates under his wing and train them in the ways of the super affiliates.

Several make as much as $200 per day within a few weeks.

October, 3rd, 2006 - he releases a guide explaining how he did it,
"Affiliate Project X".

The industry goes mad, and several sales records are broken.

I bought Affiliate Project X through the recommendation of a Wealthy Affiliate pal John Mann, and even though I have always believed WA and Affilorama to be the best places to learn IM, Affiliate Project helped me considerably, not because the info wasn’t in here, but rather as a very easy to read in all in one place guide it reinforced the priority of certain strategies … various things have been said in here about Affiliate Project X … IMHO, it is the single best ebook I have bought, but no substitute for the hands on support and mentoring of the likes of WA and Affilorama, especially if you are new … Project X is not for newbies IMHO … but with WA, Affilorama, Project X and Day Job Killer the world’s your oyster …

When the Clickbank tidal wave subsided, everyone thought that it had all ended there.

But the truth is that, it was building up to THIS moment.

Because last month the author - who simply calls himself "Chris" – and is a good ole’ Brit, asked for applications for another 12 "test subjects" for "new, devious affiliate marketing techniques". He received over 1,000 applications within days.

Then he chose the *next* 12 to test his methods on - and then disappeared underground.

Until this week, when information started surfacing...

Apparently the guide would specifically address the problems affiliates have in 2007.

AND it would be backed up by PROOF and an assortment of step-by-step methods.

That was the IDEA.

But what about the *truth* - do you want to know what I really think?

Well, the guide has just gone live, and its called "Day Job Killer".

I got my hands on a pre-launch copy last week: and when it's all said and done, ...was it worth waiting 9 months for?

Let me put it this way: it may possibly be the missing link for 100,000 ClickBank affiliates, and 300,000 Adwords users.

Let me explain what I mean by that...

Specifically, if you have either lost money on Adwords, or failed to sell products through ClickBank, this guide will explain exactly why.

It has worked on the twelve affiliates Chris tested it on, and it CAN do the same for you.

If you can't wait to check it out, click here:

But I have to give a disclaimer.

I haven’t had chance to test this personally as yet … but the guide includes techniques like:

CAMPAIGN NUKING -- how to steal the Adwords campaigns from ANY advertiser (even the big players), underbid them and do it in the most brutal way possible.

DIRECT LINKING X (aka ON CRACK) -- wow. This is incredible, but Chris has managed to give new life to the "google cash" method of advertising. This is the ultimate solution for lazy affiliates everywhere... possibly the most potent technique in the entire manual, all explained in step-by-step detail.

THE LEVELLER -- how to "level" a guru, take his customers and use them to build your own laser-targeted list of buyers. And make $100 per day from a $10 ad spend. This one is insane, and its going to annoy a lot of gurus when they learn about it.

The List goes on:

The Undercutter
Media Manslaughter
Copy the Best: Offline
Conclusions and End Notes

One more thing: *each* technique includes real profit-pulling examples; all of which have been tested on "average" affiliates by Chris personally.

You heard it here first: Day Job Killer is going to make a difference to thousands of people and some affiliates will apply it and become financially free, and as such it has my HIGHEST personal recommendation. It is essentially an assortment of powerful, unknown techniques that have allowed Chris to reach a SEVEN FIGURE income level in a little over a year.

Oh - and one more thing, AND the reason I have rushed up this post tonight - the Launch price you see below is *temporary*

Chris is going to increase the price at some point in the next few days (he lived up to his word and did it with Project X within 72 hours, no-one knows exactly when it will happen with this one (but Chris said in a video during Pre-Launch that it might be within 24 hours).

So, act FAST if you want to get in on this one at the ground floor at the discount Price:

If you are a ClickBank affiliate and Adwords user, you will IMHO benefit greatly from this - before the price goes up, and before your competition start using it.

Many are already calling it the "missing link" and at this limited price, I can see why.

Last chance to see what the future of affiliate marketing looks like:

To Your success,

Terry :)

PS Remember the price is going to increase soon. You really don't want to miss this one

PPS Any Affilorama members who buy it through me will get a number of bonuses … I just haven’t thought them all through yet, but I will provide some value adding things to help with PPC, IM etc AND wherever possible pass on my experiences with Affiliate Project X and Day Job Killer … just PM me with your, name receipt and purchase email … they will not be available immediatley though ... this is top of the head stuff ...

PPPS None of you are daft, so do what you think is right ... don't overstretch if you don't have the finances, don't buy it if you are not ready for it or don’t do PPC and affiliate marketing, OR get an even bigger discount if you must :wink: ... enjoy ...
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Whoa, nice sales pitch there Terry ;)

I've also read the book and it's not a bad read. My take on it is that while a lot of the techniques seem like they would work well, most of them don't seem to be built on solid business principles.

If you are hardcore about Adwords, then you'll definitely like this book, but if you're concentrating on building sites like Mark teaches, it's probably not worth the $77.

However, it's section on offline advertising was something I found interesting. Something to look into in the future.

If you have money to burn, I would suggest having a read, if only for creative purposes, but if you don't, I recommend you stick to your guns and keep on working on your sites.

Oh, and if you use your head a little, you can get the book for about $25 ;)
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Spot on mate :wink:

Definetly for PPC and affiliate enthusiasts not for SEO, Master PLan, 90 Day Road Map disciples ...

I have applied the stuff from Aff Project X and it has worked well for me and i do honestly believe these 'techniques' wil work well too ... as you say if you act fast and smart you can get it for not a lot ...

I just need to kill the day job now, so I can then add the master plan / SEO teachings here to my bags of tricks, not enough time to make a proper job of that the minute ...

Whatever you do guys ... make your own plan and stick to it .. Aff Pro X and DJK just fit nicely with my aff and PPC efforts ...

To your success,

Terry :D
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Hey Sean or Terry,

Can you post a copy of the DJK guide on this forum. I think it would be a good benefit to anyone that reads it :-)

All The Best
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I would...

if it wasn't illegal. DJK is a paid ebook, so posting it for free wouldn't be very nice would it? :)
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Tell me if I am wrong... You bought it through your affiliate link... Insane!

sean06 wrote:Whoa, nice sales pitch there Terry ;)

I've also read the book and it's not a bad read. My take on it is that while a lot of the techniques seem like they would work well, most of them don't seem to be built on solid business principles.

If you are hardcore about Adwords, then you'll definitely like this book, but if you're concentrating on building sites like Mark teaches, it's probably not worth the $77.

However, it's section on offline advertising was something I found interesting. Something to look into in the future.

If you have money to burn, I would suggest having a read, if only for creative purposes, but if you don't, I recommend you stick to your guns and keep on working on your sites.

Oh, and if you use your head a little, you can get the book for about $25 ;)
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog
Affiloblueprint Bonus:
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Tell me whats insane about that....
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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For me... Insane = Wise idea!

Sean the Chris is a killer in copywriting... I was almost about to buy it, but I work on my project. I don't want distraction for now. I am the SEO guy, not PPC after all!

I might start PPC soon though.
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog
Affiloblueprint Bonus:
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Good thinking, if you're not doing any PPC, then the book won't be worth it.
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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Good call SuperAff ... not for SEO, TMP, 90 Day Roadmap, ThemeZOom guys at all ...

Please be clear all members ... APX and DJK are great for PPC, Adwords and Afiliate Marketing but even then Wealthy Affiliate is better for beginners and contains a lot of very similar strategies ...

Still, if Affiliate Marketing's your game IMHO APX and DJK are very deep and have some stuff which if applied will make you some nice dough ...

Stick to YOUR plan ... whatever that is ...

Terry :)
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Good post Terry. I personally think DJK is one of the better ebooks I've read. on this topic. I probably won't use some of them, but it's great for creativity. It really opens your eyes and gets your brain moving.

The last section in the book is something I will definitely be trying in the future.
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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the section 'campaign nuking' is also very interesting, it got me my first sale :twisted:
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Congrats on your first sale freekdl!

I hope you get many other.
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog
Affiloblueprint Bonus:
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TerryB wrote:Good call SuperAff ... not for SEO, TMP, 90 Day Roadmap, ThemeZOom guys at all ...

Please be clear all members ... APX and DJK are great for PPC, Adwords and Afiliate Marketing but even then Wealthy Affiliate is better for beginners and contains a lot of very similar strategies ...

Still, if Affiliate Marketing's your game IMHO APX and DJK are very deep and have some stuff which if applied will make you some nice dough ...

Stick to YOUR plan ... whatever that is ...

Terry :)

It seems to me that PPC advertising, if done right, is the quickest way to create a cash flow. I actually read DJK and found it a little confusing since I have never done any PPC advertising. Besides there is very little solid support if you need it. That's why I'm HERE! This seemed like the place to be to learn PPC advertising. SOOOOOO will this learning strategy work? Start out with the 6 part mini course....then lessons 2.1 - 2.6...lessons 4.1 - 4.4...5.1 - 5.6
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Trust me, it works ;)

If you haven't already, have a look at the 90 day plan. That shows you how everything sorta fits together.
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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Dear Affilo-Buds and Budettes,

I just want to say that since I have joined Affilorama I have pretty much ignored other IM messages out there. To me this is the absolute best method of learning IM. if I can't make it here, with my Affilo-Family then I'm finished with IM for good. I know that I'm paying 30.00 a month for this, but I would rather do that and have some success rather than continue to blunder along with everyone else's advice.

As a matter of fact, whenever I hear somebody talking big money, I pretty much turn off the commercial. I want someone to tell me hard truths about this business and do it with realistic facts, not an advertisement.

Anyway, thanks to all of my Affilo-Buds and Budettes and God Bless!


ELMO :mrgreen:
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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations