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Clarification on landing pages

Posts: 75
Joined: 29 Apr 09

Clarification on landing pages

I'm referring to video 11.2b in regards to building a landing page for wordpress w/ the AF theme. From what I can gather I need to make a separate landing page for every keyword I am targeting? So If I have this right I could have hundreds of landing pages each with it's own PPC add linking to it?

For instance:

Ripped Abs: the Truth About Abs Review.
Lose Belly Fat: The Truth About Abs Review.

Have I got this right? If I do, then I have essentially a separate add campaign for every page.

Thanks for any light you can shed on this for me.

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Joined: 13 Sep 09
I'm basically bumping this, because I think you just have to do the work and I'd love to be told otherwise - but I have another question relating to setting up PPC flows as well -

How exactly can you use the Clickbank ?tid=YourIdentifyingCodeHere way of tracking for multiple ads in a PPC ad group campaign pointing to your reviews? If you're sending more then one ad in the ad group to the same landing page, how can you make the ?tid code different for each ad? Any way to do this without creating a different page with different links for every single ad?

It makes sense to do this per keyword, but to generate otherwise identical pages for every new ad kind of hurts. (And I know the real way to do this is to get your conversion code on the vendor thank you page... ::glares at Eat Stop Eat::) Actually, how does that work? Does google then put the conversion information up on your AdWords campaign directly? Thanks!
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Last edited by michellerana on 17 Nov 09 7:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 75
Joined: 29 Apr 09
I've got no problem with doing the work I just wanted to know if I had the proper understanding.

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Posts: 2
Joined: 04 Nov 09
Has anyone found problems with Googles QS rating for this products landing page? TAA default landing page I mean... Looks like a slap starting 11/10/09
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Posts: 2
Joined: 04 Nov 09
Prev question - I meant 11/30/09 for the TAA landing page slap.
Need to get back to Mr Geary ASAP. Google indicates some issue with navagation and page structure. It's causing me a big headache that now has all my campaigns impacted. Are others getting hit with this too?
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I promote TAA also, but you're so far ahead of me, I don't even understand the question or how you got the information.
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This topic was started on Nov 12, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
