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AdBots - how can I make them crawl my PPC campaigns?

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Joined: 10 Jul 09

AdBots - how can I make them crawl my PPC campaigns?

Does anyone know how often the Google AdBots crawl PPC campaigns? Does anyone know how to get them to crawl your campaign quickly? I read that if you make changes in Adwords Editor and upload them to your account (which I did) that your campaign will be crawled immediately. It is not happening for me.
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Last edited by michellerana on 21 Dec 09 5:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Have you checked to see if your ad is paused or under manual review?

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-- Robert Brault
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Here you go.

This link will take you to the info you need straight from the big G. ... 5843&hl=en
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JC Dean
Posts: 38
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Not paused or under manual review, just no changes to QS even though many changes made.

The link you provided is to resubmit your website, I need to know about getting the Adbots to crawl my Adwords campaign, not my website.

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The Adwords spider bot is used to analyze the content of advertising landing pages, which helps determine the Quality Score that Google assigns to your PPC ads.
How do you know they are not crawling your ads?
Or do you just want the ads to be shown faster?
If so, there is nothing you can really do but to change your ad around and hope that you get a higher QS... but I have found once Google gives you a QS, it is hard to change it fast... it needs to change over a couple of weeks.
You can also request a manual reconsideration of your ads.
Unfair? Yep... but that's the Big G.
You may have made changes but the QS can still remain the same as they will look at your landing page and manually review it for relevancy and what type of site it is.

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-- Robert Brault
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I've heard of people on the warrior forum complaining that approval of their ads took weeks after an ad update. It's never taken me more than 6 or 8 hours. Good luck.
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Posts: 38
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Thanks everyone for your input.

Troy, my question is specific to my QS. Even though I have made major changed to ads, landing pages and keywords, the QS has not budged. So you are saying that it takes a couple of weeks before I will notice a change in regards to QS. Got it.
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I suggest searching Google for how to improve your quality score as well.
CTR affects QS and also a lot of other things affect QS as well.
For Ex: How many keywords you have in an adgroup, CTR in different geographic locations, Keyword Relevance, Landing Page Relevance, Page Load Time etc..

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
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-- Robert Brault
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It may take weeks to recraw your site unless you ask them too by clicking here and following what Google asks you to do here.

They probably consider the new adds as soon as you make changes but they are still comparing them to the info they have about the site before you made changes.

I never had to wait when I was learning, tweeking, and makeing changes, by doing this.
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Last edited by sydney on 03 Jun 10 3:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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JC Dean

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