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Thoughts on my new blog? Ideas please

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Thoughts on my new blog? Ideas please

I have mentioned before on the forum that I am looking at putting up some Greek themed blogs. The first of these will be a free Greek Language site, unlike any of the others out there in that it is an absolute primer. The Greek alphabet will not be taught by rote but will be learned indirectly through exposure to Greek words that have close English derivatives or which closely approximate the sound of the English word. For example the English transliteration of the Greek word for 'pen' is 'penna'.

Research to date has revealed that though the niche is fairly small it is rather targeted. It's really just a matter of 'giving it a go' and seeing where it leads to.

The general idea is have students up to speed on about 300 words and fully conversant with the alphabet before I make recommendations on more advanced fully structured paid language sites. As an affiliate I would receive a commission on signups to these sites and I'd also have my blog Adsense optimized.

I intend acquiring a new domain and hosting in on my existing Baby Hostgator account. The blog would be set up as either a subdomain or an appendage to a subdomain, probably the latter; as I will be extending my feelers out to other aspects of Greek culture.

I am looking to structure the blog as follows:

- Main page. This provides a general introduction to the course and explains how the material has been well tested and proved effective in tutoring out two young sons, whose mother is Greek. It also develops the premise that Greek can be most easily learned by starting of with similar-sounding English words.
The page will be enhanced by a couple of Greek scenic shots to develop the mood and keywords will be monetized, ie have links to Greek language sites. That means those who don't opt for the primer will perhaps click on one of my affiliate links anyway and sign up on one of the other courses.

I would also like to have a demo audio/visual available on the page, something along the lines of that on the main page of this site ...


with similar format but of course different content.
Taking the word 'pen' for example the English transliteration of the Greek 'penna' would be shown and the word spoken aloud, for as many times as the student wants to repeat the exercise. When they click on the 'Next' button the transliteration would be replaced by the actual Greek word 'πεννα'. Ι have not bothered here with accents. Again - the Greek word can be repeated for as long as the student wants. You can see here that the ' ε' is very similar to the English 'e' and the 'α' is the same as in English. One doesn't need to be too bright to see what the other Greek letters are in English. This is the basis of learning both the alphabet and the new words.

Sorry this post is such a long one ... your thoughts please on what I've written so far and especially on the audio/visual set-up. I have just downloaded FreeSWF audio but don't know yet if it will fit the bill. Does anyone else have any other suggestions? Free software if at all possible.
On the 'Lessons' pages I will probably also have a graphic where possible depicting the word spoken ... Clipart or whatever.

If someone could give me some feedback it would be much appreciated. I will summarize the rest of the proposed site layout in my next post.

Thanks ...


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Sounds like a good plan to me Dale!

I can't really think of anything wrong with it :P

As for free software... All software is free if you know where to look -wink wink-

Camtasia is good.

I'm not really sure of free ones, i never used anything like that before.

Lets see your site when you get her up and running!
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Sounds good Dale, get it up and running. It doesn't have to be perfect when it's first up, just make sure you just continually improve.
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I think you are on the right track Dale. I personally have not looked at the Greek market myself but I would imagine it would be pretty targeted. Plus if you have all of these audio and visual helpers... your site will stick out from the crowd. Good stuff.
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... and also for the suggestions to date.

I mentioned that I would provide a summary as to how the rest of the blog will look.

I am presently checking out suitably formatted Wordpress themes.

There will be a link at the bottom of the main page to the first tutorial page (and also in the sidebar). The same will be the case for the other pages.

Each tutorial page will have:

- An introduction to the category of words chosen
- An audio/visual panel similar to that mentioned in my last post showing:
... English to English transliteration of a Greek word, audio button and if posible complimentary graphic. Then 'Next' button takes you to ...
... English to actual Greek word, audio button with the same graphic showing.
... ( From Lesson 3 a further 'Next' button again taking you to a small phrase created from letters and words learned to date, with audio)
... 'Next' button will then open a brief explanatory page on the letters, dipthongs and the words learned, (again with audio).

Then to the link to the next page etc...

I am also looking to have:

- An About Us page (bios' for my wife and me (we will be handling the spoken Greek)
- An FAQ page
- A Links page, where I can link to other Greek language/themed sites.
- Possibly, a Greek RSS newsfeed page.
- Probably fairly soon, a forum to handle the influx of questions which are sure to arise.

There have been a couple of alternatives I have seen to the audio/visual set up per the link in my last post.

This one ...

http://www.xanthi.ilsp.gr/filog/ch2/dia ... trans=true

and this ...


Do you think these are better?

Any and all of your feedback is greatly appreciated. I will be making a start on the blog next week.


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It's still sounding good Dale, don't get too bogged down with detail too early on :)

As for which way to show the audio, I always prefer to use flash, rather than have people download stuff, makes it a lot easier. You can do this with software provided here.
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Thanks again Sean. Now ... probably a real dopey question. I have downloaded WebAudioPlus and for the most part all is straightforward.
I've tested it and succeeded in having the Shockwave Flash Object installed on my Desktop; which when opened gives me the audio buttons.
I want to test this in the side-bar on one of my work-from-home Wordpress blogs ... the question is how do I get it there? Copying and pasting is not enough in itself, and if I upload ... to where? And I presume that the code which was generated has to be changed??
Help please ...

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It's just like coding an image or something. Put the flash files wherever you want, link to them using your html editor like dreamweaver, then just upload everything in the right place.

I usually just go into dreamweaver and add it from there, rather than copying in the code that's generated for you.

Let me know if you are still having trouble.
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'Fraid I'm back but still having problems with this audio button. I don't have Dreamweaver but do have Frontpage 2002 vers., and I've never really got my head around that. But I thought an HTML editor like this could only be used for webpages, not a Wordpress blog. Anything I've ever done on the blog has either been through my back office or my C-Panel. I have successfully copied and pasted code for banners etc into the theme editor sidebar, and thought I might have been able to do the same here - but all I get is a white rectangle come up (with nothing showing inside).
If Frontpage should be used I'd be interested to know how this can be used to edit content on the blog, as traditionally I have done all of this using the likes of the 'back office' 'Write' and 'Manage' functions etc.
I have looked at the video and have edited out the part of the code relating to where it was pointing on the Desktop as instructed, but the rest of it I just can't get a grasp on... and in this case I don't need to upload a sales page, as I only want the buttons to feature in the sidebar.
If you can clarify a bit more I'd be grateful.


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Ahh, I forgot you are a blogger. Adding the html to a regular post would be easy enough, but I know nothing about wordpress, so I don't know how to add stuff to the side bars.
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Mark.. more examples of why we need some updates on skinning/customizing! Blogs, Forums, Joomla sites, etc... It would help so many of us out.

PLeeease :P
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Still havn't sorted the audio button thing, despite watching the video for WebAudioPlus. I just thought I'd flesh out what I've done so far and maybe someone can pick up where I am going wrong.

I want to test this out in the sidebar of my work-from-home blog before placing an audio button on one of my niche sites.

I have successfully uploaded the .swf file to a folder called 'audio' in wp-content of my public_html folder after making a brief recording, testing it and saving it to my desktop.

I have altered the code generated - the two desktop links in the code, changing linking to the .swf file in the audio folder where I've placed it. I copied the code to notepad, altered the code accordingly, and then pasted the amended code in the sidebar of my work-from-home blog.
However - all I'm still getting is a white box with no audio buttons showing.



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I now have the audio button sorted out on my Wordpress 'work-from-home blog.

For those interested these are the steps:

1. Open WebAudioPro, record and playback.
2. Select buttons, colour of buttons and colour of background.
3. Resize the graphic if necessary.
4. Generate HTML code and save to a folder.
5. Create the .swf file.
6. Change the code in the saved file as follows:

<center><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="150" height="50">
<param name="movie" value="http://[mywebsite.com]/audio/AudioPlayer.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<embed src="http://[mywebsite.com]/audio/AudioPlayer.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"width="150" height="50"></embed>

7. Via your Wordpress 'back office', click on 'Presentation', 'Theme Editor' and 'Sidebar'. Copy and paste into sidebar. Center the graphic.
8. Using C-Panel, create a folder and name it (eg audio) in your public_html folder. Upload the .swf file to this folder and ensure it has the same name as that shown in the code - in this case 'AudioPlayer.swf'.
9. Revisit your blog and you should see the buttons showing in the sidebar. You can now sit back and listen to what you have created.

Hope this is of some help ...

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Good stuff Dale
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I was just also wondering whether we are going to be seeing more info coming through on the likes of blogging (the technicalities of setting up blogs especially Wordpress with its many features) and social networking sites and how they are becoming an increasingly important vehicle in driving traffic to one's site.

Not a criticism at all ... but given the fact that just about everyone is climbing into blogging and being shown the importance of these social networking sites I feel that we really do need a lot more emphasis placed on these two very important areas here.

One has only to read through the forums here to see there is a wad of technical info available re website construction etc, but disproportionately less on the huge subject that comprises blogging. I have just left a forum where there are heaps of questions being asked about blogging problems,, eg creation of static pages, RSS feeds, social bookmarking, plugins etc etc.
Lessons 8.3 and 8.8 are great ... but I really feel we need much more to accommodate those folk who are now focusing much more on blogs than static websites. I'd be interested to see what fellow Affilorama members think.

I realize that we can of course ask any question on any subject on the forum and likely have it answered, but I'd really appreciate seeing more coverage of these extremely important areas in the tutorials ... sooner if possible, rather than later.

Is anything in the pipeline?

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