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Hi all, I realize I am new at this but I have an idea. I am not sure if this is already being done, or posted, or explored yet.

Has anyone ever thought about developing their own Marketing team? I mean aside form the gurus at affilorama.

My basic idea is different people are skilled, or a natural at certain things. Some are great writers, others may be great at research, others may be great at webdesign. Some may be well rounded, but have a preference for doing one, or two things relating to IM. I realize their are many tools and such for covering these areas. but wouldn't it also be great forming a group or team that has a variety of specialized skill sets? lets say "Tom" loves to design websites, he is an artist. but isn't so keen on research, meanwhile "Mary" dislikes, or doesn't have webmaster skills, yet loves doing research. and "Jim" is a great Writer, but doesn't have the patience for either web design, or research.
It really is kind of a loose example, but I think it displays my point. of course many details to be worked out. can be some sort of profit sharing or whatever. Just a very simple idea to build upon if someone desires.

My 2 cents,

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Hi Scott,

I believe something of that kind of cooperation is already being done here, though from what I see of discussions here on the forum it seems to take more of the form of offering services to fellow members for a (discounted) fee. I have also seen quid pro quo suggestions and I am sure some of that is also in place.

If you have something specific to offer and want to receive on a quid pro quo basis, you can post it here and I am sure that there are members who will get in touch with you for arrangements.

Cheers :)
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Yes Faradina, I see that also. What I was speaking of is more so like a select team of individuals with each having their strength and expertise.
Anyways, just a thought.
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Hey scott,
I was wondering the same thing, if a team could join up and try to tackle all these task as a group would it make it go faster and easier.

What I mean everyone (if committed) would want to get thier task done for the better of the team and thierselves. So that would help with some of the bordom of doing it all by yourself, you would all have a common goal and someone to push you to do more.

I think it's a great idea just not sure how you go about doing it. I mean there are people offering thier services for a price but how do you put a team together to share any profit made?

Let me know if you figure it out, I'm in.
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I was amazed in watching the last Webinar 'How to Build A High Converting Sales Funnel' with Leon.

He touched on exactly that! building a Team. He basically said many of the things I have been thinking about, and some of which I expressed here.
Personally, Even though I have some website experience, I am a bit overwhelmed with all the different things involved that are introduced here.
The thing we must all realize is it's just one step at a time. One thing I think is lacking here (unless I missed it) is not any definitive guidelines.
Yes, the recorded webinars are great. I think However a more concise outline would be great for us IM newbies.

Mark does a great job at presenting information, Unfortunately when addressing people live, we get distracted and important thoughts come to mind that we have to relate to the audience. It happens, I do it also.

I think the best way to present the information would to be break it up in smaller sections. Maybe only an hour webinar, with more intense focusing on fewer things per webinar. Have an outline, and stick to it.

It can even be an outline not pertaining to the webinar. Like for example. New member signs up for premium, Then under lessons have an outline. Step #1, Step #2, Step #3 etc. an outline for success. after all this is supposed to be duplicating someones system right? we have to walk before we can run.
Just my thoughts and I am sure I am missing something. I am open to suggestions as to how to make it better.

Thanks Scott
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@ unit I think you would have to start by having your own post saying like I want to start an IM team. say what your good at, or what you would enjoy doing. Then say I need a (for example) Writer, webmaster, SEO specialist etc.

Any variation that works for you. as far as profit sharing. the simple way is start a clickbank account that all members could view. make one person the treasurer. they will be solely responsible for paying the members of the team. Of course there would be lots of other details, but that is the basic idea.
I think once you develop a team, you can meet and come up with a plan that works for everyone.

That's just a basic Idea.
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I understand what you are saying about the outline, but the thing is, that is what you get when you buy the paid systems.

Affilorama teaches all the steps you need for free, but the step by step action plans to put them all together is what Mark has put together in the paid programs such as Affiloblueprint and Affilojetpack.

What you are talking about with a team is exactly what many people do, not just Mark. I am working on putting together my own team that is working for me.

What ist sounds like you are talking about is a Joint Venture, where differnt people who are in this business come together and use their individual expertise to create something together. It happens all the time, and some forums even have specific categories for people to get together.
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Yes you are exactly right JM. This is what I am talking about. Unfortunately at this juncture I don't really have a lot of expertise at any of it. Yeah I can write or modify a few lines of code but that's about it.

I am signed up with premium, however it is all I can do at the moment. Even that put's a strain on my so called budget.

My problem is that since I have signed up, and also visited other peoples websites or blogs that have been featured on affilorama, I feel i am getting pulled in many different directions. I see the suggestions do this or that. It's my weakness that I get easily distracted.
Perhaps the team idea would be great for that as well. It would help me, if not others keep focused. Thereby achieving the goal together.

I have so much to learn, and learned so much already. At times though, It is overwhelming.

Anyways, step by step.

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adminscott wrote:Hi all, I realize I am new at this but I have an idea. I am not sure if this is already being done, or posted, or explored yet.

Has anyone ever thought about developing their own Marketing team? I mean aside form the gurus at affilorama.

My basic idea is different people are skilled, or a natural at certain things. Some are great writers, others may be great at research, others may be great at webdesign. Some may be well rounded, but have a preference for doing one, or two things relating to IM. I realize their are many tools and such for covering these areas. but wouldn't it also be great forming a group or team that has a variety of specialized skill sets? lets say "Tom" loves to design websites, he is an artist. but isn't so keen on research, meanwhile "Mary" dislikes, or doesn't have webmaster skills, yet loves doing research. and "Jim" is a great Writer, but doesn't have the patience for either web design, or research.
It really is kind of a loose example, but I think it displays my point. of course many details to be worked out. can be some sort of profit sharing or whatever. Just a very simple idea to build upon if someone desires.

My 2 cents,


Hey, great idea you got there Scott....actually many of the successful affiliates became succesful at what they do because they develop their own teams....as you said maybe "Tom" is good at writing, and Mary is great at research, then combining these two would save a lot of time, as well as produce great results. I guess the main question would be how to find your team members and how to split the profits : )
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This topic was started on Nov 03, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.