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Pinging Blogs...whats that all about?

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Pinging Blogs...whats that all about?

Hey guys,

Do any of you use pingomatic.com with your blogs?

I have no idea how this works - could someone shed some light on this question, and the possible benefits it may have- and how to use it properly?

Thanks heaps peeps!

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It lets the blogs, syndicators, and other bots know your feed has been updated.... I think it's past its time now though.

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Yeah it seemed to be all the rage not so long ago, but I wouldn't be too worried about it now.

There are other things that are more beneficial.
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[Sean06 wrote:
There are other things that are more beneficial.]

Come on Sean06 - don't leave us in suspense - like what other things? :? [/quote]
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I'm referring to the super secret tricks I use for making money online. Yours for $99.95.

Just kidding, I'm just talking about the things Mark has done videos on.
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Very Funny Sean06

I read the first line and thought "God not another one!" :-)

I guess theres heaps of old tricks that no longer work as the search engines have got 'smarter' and pinging is probably in that catagory.

It seems the best way is to firstly have good relevant content to begin with then anything else is a lesser enhancement.

Mark has often said that the competition isn't that high, when you have a look at what they submit. I checked this out and was amazed. There's a lot of stuff that is out of sequence and complicated and disjointed through cutting and pasting without thorough proof reading, full of grammar errors and typos, or rambles and doesn't get to their point.

I tested this with a small article that I rewrote and was amazed how easy it was. We forget that there are a lot of articles out there and it's easy to find two short ones on one topic and add them together for twice the coverage, twice the keywords etc.

With all the tricks it's easy to lose sight of the value of good content, especially when you have linkswithin the text that you want them to read.
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If you read too much about SEO, your head will explode. It's very easy to spend your time worrying about little 1%ers, but if you stick to the basics, like Mark has outlined in his interview with Marc Lindsay, then you should be right.
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It may be less beneficial than before, but I can tell you by experience that you will still get a lot of traffic by pinging your blog everytime you post.

I usualy post with John reese's pingoat (he bought it recently). I will also add my blogs to blog directories like blogtopsite...

Pingomatic is like pingoat, you don't need to ping both.

Blogs is an excellent traffic generator, specially Wordpress.

How works:
1) you add new content to your blog
2) you publish
3) you ping with pingoat.com or pingomatic (if you are using wordpress, it will ping automatically)
You just need to add your site URL, your site feed url and check all the sites (just click on: Services to Ping (Check common))

4) finish
5) repeat each time you add new content.

P.S: With wordpress, you ping by default, so don't need to do it manually.

Also, claim (=add or register) your blog at technorati, it helps in some niches.

A good read for your blogs: http://problogger.net there are many others, but do one thing at a time.

And if you feel you can read a lot: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/0 ... your-blog/
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
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Thanks Superstaff

That was very informative. Blogging is an area I am absolutely new at, so does that mean I can ask this real dumb question and not get roasted?

I am setting up a blog site after listening to Marks video. I started it on blogger.com but my partner says I should put it on my website instead.

What's the advantages or disadvantages of having my blog on my website?

I'm with Bluehost and they have Wordpress in their control panel, so here comes yet another learning curve :shock:
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Mimenta wrote:Thanks Superstaff

That was very informative. Blogging is an area I am absolutely new at, so does that mean I can ask this real dumb question and not get roasted?

I am setting up a blog site after listening to Marks video. I started it on blogger.com but my partner says I should put it on my website instead.

What's the advantages or disadvantages of having my blog on my website?

I'm with Bluehost and they have Wordpress in their control panel, so here comes yet another learning curve :shock:

Having a blog ON your website allows you to continually update your website. This is a great advantage in the eyes of the search engines. Wordpress will do just fine.

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It's like Adrian said.

About your Cpanel: IT is really easy to install, you just need to click 3 times, add your username and password, and you are done.

I think you have Wordpress in your Cpanel. Wordpress is the best blogging platform.

Let us know if you need anything.
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Thanks for that.
I went ahead and installed the blog using cPanel - VERY easy.
I wrote a short entry and published it - so simple
Feeling really brave -
I selected a new theme, in keeping with my site -
Oh yeah baby! FIG JAM! - this Dude knows his stuff!) 8)
I even install the sexy new theme.

All goes well until I go to view it - I get myHome page!
No blog.

I assume I have to create a link from my website to the blog home page?
I have read the WordPress instructions but can't find any reference to this.
In my Public Html folder on the remote server, I have 3 new folders:
wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes.

Any advice?
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Who is your hosting with? I remember when I installed mine, there was something that said "99% of you won't need to worry about this..." but I was in that 1% :)
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I you want to add a link to your home page, just go in your blog admin panel, and click: manage==>link (check because I'm in a hurry)

You can do that from your wordpress blog admin.
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
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I have 35 icons in my cpanel, none of these is a wordpress one. any ideas please?
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Look for an icon that says Fantastico then look under blogs
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Site Admin
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Click on the icon "Fantastico", and it'll show a whole list of things you can install on your site. Wordpress should be among them.

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I like to ping my blogs, I used pingler.com it's much more easier to use.
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