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Media Buys-looking for a good info product on top CPA sites

Posts: 7
Joined: 26 Nov 09

Media Buys-looking for a good info product on top CPA sites

Can anyone recommend a very good info product or HowTo guide about searching for good converting top sites that sell banner ads for promoting CPA offers including well outlined metrics for CPA advertising?

rgds, devplan
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Last edited by michellerana on 08 Dec 09 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: improve title to describe the post better

Nur für Deutschsprachige --> http://goo.gl/ebCt --> Passives Einkommen ohne Risiko!
Posts: 7
Joined: 26 Nov 09
Actually - I got my answer from the just ended Webinar with Say P. on Commission Payload. This seems to be an awesome product!
Just a few techniques that were shown at the Webinar are mind boggling already.

rgds, devplan
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Nur für Deutschsprachige --> http://goo.gl/ebCt --> Passives Einkommen ohne Risiko!
Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06
I just got started with media buying myself and it's pretty exciting stuff.

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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html
Posts: 74
Joined: 24 Nov 09
I highly recommend maxBounty.com CPA site. They offer you statistics for CPA offers such as EPC which other networks hide. Pretty easy to get accepted. I did have to do a phone interview but it wasn't as bad a copeac.
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