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Looking to gain some new traffic - How?

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Joined: 07 Jan 07

Looking to gain some new traffic - How?


i have had some success with my electric bikes and scooters site since I started it here awhile back. i get Google Adsense checks regularly. But I'm now interested in gaining more traffic for the site.

Anyone have any surefire ways of attracting people quickly to the site???

ELMO :twisted:
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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
Posts: 1083
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elmo033057 wrote:Hey,

i have had some success with my electric bikes and scooters site since I started it here awhile back. i get Google Adsense checks regularly. But I'm now interested in gaining more traffic for the site.

Anyone have any surefire ways of attracting people quickly to the site???

ELMO :twisted:

#1 rank for the keyword "google"

Jokes aside though... you can do that through SEO / more articles / and PPC. Are you doing all 3?

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Very good to hear from you my affilobud friend. I just started to mess around with Ezinearticles web site but I am afraid of PPC because I read an entire book on Adsense and lost a couple of hundred dollars. As far as SEO I have been gaining a little because my PR is a 2 whereas it was a 0 a little while ago. My electric bikes and scooters site -www.electricbikesnscooters.com is getting around 200 people a day to it. I have been blogging like crazy but nothing much has happened there.

Adrian, thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it my friend!

ELMO :mrgreen:
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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
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Joined: 16 Jun 06
hey Elmo,

Glad to hear you're doing well. As for traffic, you can't beat advertising :)

But if you're after adsense clicks, then you'll probably want free traffic. Have you been building links? What have you been doing thats working for you so far? Can you just do more of whatevers working?

Let me know and I'll see what else I can think of.

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Good to hear from you my friend. I have been blogging quite a bit. I have added more articles to my site and actually started another site. I have worn myself out writing those things though. In have recently hired a real good writer from Elance to write site reviews and product reviews.

It seems like people are looking for sites that help them make buying decisions. I have also noticed that every time gas prices go up, I get more traffic, so I guess it is a pretty smart thing that I have a site dealing with alternative energy vehicles.

Actually, the most frustrating part of this is getting people involved in the forum and blog. After blogging and blogging I have very few people that comment or will post. I have been blogging for over a year now. When I check my stats it appears that people go to my blog. I have been posting fake comments on the blog but that doesn't seem to help.

Anyway, that's all I can tell you for now. I recently read a book called "The Adsense Code" That was really good and had some good suggestions in it. Anyway that's pretty much it. I have been working on a Master's degree so my time has been more limited than it used to be.

Thanks so much Sean, for your help!

God Bless,

Mark Ellis
www.electricbikesnscooters.com :mrgreen:
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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
Posts: 1083
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elmo033057 wrote:Adrian,

Very good to hear from you my affilobud friend. I just started to mess around with Ezinearticles web site but I am afraid of PPC because I read an entire book on Adsense and lost a couple of hundred dollars. As far as SEO I have been gaining a little because my PR is a 2 whereas it was a 0 a little while ago. My electric bikes and scooters site -www.electricbikesnscooters.com is getting around 200 people a day to it. I have been blogging like crazy but nothing much has happened there.

Adrian, thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it my friend!

ELMO :mrgreen:

If you are pinching pennies with PPC... I would hold off for now. I spend hundreds of dollars sometimes with no returns. You use the cash until you find a ryhthm that works.
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Site Admin
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Hey Elmo,

Being the savvy internet marketer you are, you've probably jumped on this already, but there's was a really interesting interview between Mark and Jason Katzenback a week or so ago that talked about using these Web 2.0 sites to build giant webs of sites pointing back to yours. Jason really stresses the human traffic side of things (as opposed to doing everything for the search engines) so it could be what you're looking for.

And the notes should be coming soon too, which is handy if you're not up for the 2 hour interview. (Pity the sod who had to transcribe it... guess who that was?)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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Thanks so much for the information. I really appreciate it. Here is my honest to God status right now. I have been making about $200.00 to $300.00 a month off of my electric bikes -n- scooters site just doing Google Adwords.

I would like to make money off of other affiliate stuff, but I have been getting a few checks from Clickbank but nothing major there.

I don't use PPC because I figure that if I am making money without it, why bother? By the way, Google has just changed its rules concerning Adwords. I just saw the notice today. I would tell you what it said but I didn't understand it, anyway.

The problem I have been having is that it is hard to sell stuff that is related to electric bicycles and electric scooters because there just isn't enough stuff there. The best I can do is sell through Amazon and possibly Walmart. I have only made $3.00 off of actually selling someone's electric bike stuff.

Anyway, I'd really like to hear someone's suggestions on this.

God Bless, and Thanks Aletta !!!!


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Last edited by michellerana on 10 Nov 09 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
elmo033057 wrote: I don't use PPC because I figure that if I am making money without it, why bother?

Because it allows you to earn more.
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Posts: 216
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If you can spend $10 to make $20 that makes sense to do doesn't it?

Unless it takes you a few hours to make that $10 difference, then you should probably focus on something else :-)

I think it's something thats worth trying, as it may pay off for you.
But just be careful not to throw a lot of cash at it.
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