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Links in text format or picture links:

Posts: 101
Joined: 12 Dec 13

Re: Links in text format or picture links:

Both links are good. What you need to take care is about where to place and how to place links perfectly. Like, you cannot share the same URL of the website repeatedly using the same keywords. You may share those links using content marketing. Like you may use some good content sharing sites and then place target URL intelligently and share that content on social media.
Adding links on pictures is good but you have to pay attention towards content.
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Posts: 6
Joined: 06 Jun 14
Contextual links are better to get relevant & quality traffic to website.
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Posts: 79
Joined: 26 Jun 13
In term of SEO text link is better than picture links. because text is more search in the search engine.
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This topic was started on Mar 14, 2014 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.