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Linkedin Stories

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Linkedin Stories

Recently Linkedin adds a stories feature. Is it good for increase profile engagement and brand awareness?
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Stories in Facebook and Instagram has been used a lot of times by marketers and it works well for branding and the fact that LinkedIn added that as a feature means they know it is a good marketing strategy.
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Linkedin Stories empower organizations and members to talk about pictures and short videos in these regular professional minutes. Linked-in stocks Stories that you just post for 2-4 hours. Notes: You can only place a Story from the Linked-in mobile program. To get into Stories, be certain that you're utilizing the latest model of the program.
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LinkedIn shares your Story for 24 hours after you've posted it. It can be seen by your connections and followers, and they can share it with anyone they're connected with on LinkedIn. If you specifically don't want someone to see the Stories that you post, you can block a connection or follower.
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bessieexum wrote:Linkedin Stories empower organizations and members to talk about pictures and short videos in these regular professional minutes. Linked-in stocks Stories that you just post for 2-4 hours. Notes: You can only place a Story from the Linked-in mobile program. To get into Stories, be certain that you're utilizing the latest model of the program.

Valuable Comments. Thank you
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Nasdaq Small Cap Investor Relations Firm Can Bring Your Company to Limelight.
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maryt wrote:Stories in Facebook and Instagram has been used a lot of times by marketers and it works well for branding and the fact that LinkedIn added that as a feature means they know it is a good marketing strategy.

Yes, Nowadays this is very useful for marketers.
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If you've ever made a story on Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat, LinkedIn Stories operate in pretty much the same way.
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Yes, Of Course!
LinkedIn’s new LinkedIn Stories features can be just the thing a need to cut through all the noise and improve personal branding as well as overall brand awareness.
LinkedIn Stories are helpful in:
Increase engagement
Improve brand awareness
A new distribution channel for content
Get more attention, etc.
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sarahboyer wrote:Recently Linkedin adds a stories feature. Is it good for increase profile engagement and brand awareness?

LinkedIn has come to be the hottest social media platform to hop onto the"stories" train. Linked-in stories permit one to tag someone of one's relations on your narrative, plus so they have an exceptional feature, too.
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This topic was started on Jan 06, 2021 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.