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Is Video Marketing Losing Its Charm?

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Is Video Marketing Losing Its Charm?

People it seems have lost the patience to see videos these days. Even when surfing the Net they tend to move to the next site without watching video embedded in the previous site. Of course such a scenario exists in traffic exchange surfing. On the whole what I see is a slow decline in the percentage of people watching videos in advertisements. That's possibly because every marketer is trying his or her hand in video marketing, some of them even without properly mastering the nuances of video marketing. I still hope that videos stand out based on the content they possess and of course the quality of it!
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I don't think video marketing is going on a decline. If anything, it is becoming one of the more viable ways to promote a product. Consider the fact that Facebook has made it so that you can view videos from within your Facebook feed. Same with GIFs too and other moving images.

This change makes it all the more easier for marketers to promote products, and while it may at some point, neutralize us to video ads, if you find the video or the product itself interesting enough, you would continue to watch the video.

Here's more on the subject:
Why Video Marketing is the New Darling of the Marketing World
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Nope.. Nowadays video marketing or slide show is best for marketing..
Make a animation video on your business introduction and see what happened..
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proxyservice wrote:Nope.. Nowadays video marketing or slide show is best for marketing..
Make a animation video on your business introduction and see what happened..


I think it's a worst think..Video marketing is best all time and it will :) You can try :)
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At present, Video Marketing is a best potential digital marketing Strategy. Thanks
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We are constantly split-testing text pages vs video and video almost always out-performs text.

As pointed out before, it's all about quality and a good delivery.
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Video marketing is still a great way to drive quality traffic. and it helps with SEO as well. But to keep the video engagement high is the important part. What i meant was to let the audience to engage with the video.
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Video marketing is the best source to get traffic. on the SEO it is the most useful technique to your brand awareness.
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This topic was started on Dec 26, 2016 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.