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How to do the text link using AMAutomation

Posts: 143
Joined: 02 May 09

How to do the text link using AMAutomation

Hi Everyone,

I need a tip on how to properly make a text link using the AMAutomation linking. I watched the 2nd AMA video that Mark did, but I'm confused about how to correctly type up all the link stuff. I see that you start with<a href ="http://-then your domain name.com/ Please give me an example how to do the rest. My website is www.behavedoggy.com, and I have this article to link to" How to Leash Train Your Puppy". Can someone type up an example for me using that information? Once I see it done, I should be able to do it for all the others.

Thanks, Mike
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Posts: 100
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<a href="http://behavedoggy.com/leash-training-puppies/">leash training puppies</a>

That will make it open in the same window. >leash training puppies</a> This is your hyperlinked keyword phrase

<a href="http://behavedoggy.com/leash-training-puppies/"target="_blank">leash training puppies</a>

That will make it open in a new window. target="_blank is what makes it open in a new window

The link is made with Leash Train Your Puppy
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Posts: 143
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Thanks for your reply. I see now exactly how to type the script. One more question-about opening in the same window and opening ina different window using the target=blank- One question-when would I want it to open in a different window as opposed to the same window. This part of your reply confuses me. I want them to click there and go to my webpage on my site or my home page, righ? So, that's why the different windows part confused me. Please explain in you could.

Thanks, Mike
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Sorry, didn't mean to confuse you. When you make links on your site it is better to have them open in a new tab/window so that if it is not what they were looking for then they can still easily continue looking at your site.

When it opens in the same window, whatever site they clicked your link on will be gone and your site will be there. My personal preference is to have my links open in the same window when article marketing.

It really is a matter of preference because some people like it to open in a new window and some like it in the same. I just included both was so you would know how to link it both ways. But yes either way your goal is to get people to click the links and go to your website and build links so you can rank. Hope that cleared up some of your confusion.

Have a good day,
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Posts: 143
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Hi Crissy,

Thanks for your reply. I got one article all set, but ran into a glitch on the second one. Oh well-business as usual for this non-techie.

thanks, Mike
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An alternate method is to wait until in the Edit area of AMA. Highlight the words you want to link to and then click the chain link icon just above your article white area. It will pop up a window to insert the link. I'd recommend a copy and paste from your website to make sure you don't make any mistakes. Then do the same for each of your words you want to link to.
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My first affiliate site was http://www.adventur.com/ back in 1996. Not SEO'd but worked great when I had 100,000 keywords for a penny a piece. Most were ranked #1.
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Just a reminder to use good anchor text (the clickable part of the link) when creating backlinks. Something like "dog training tips" is better than "click here"

... but i'm sure you guys already know all that :)
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