How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Newsletters?
I'll start this post like my other post.agent36 wrote:I'll start this post like my other post.
I'm having a difficult time finding solo ads in the dog training niche. I wrote 80 emails like the solo video teaches. 0 solo's but I had 3 offer newsletter ads instead. I'm thinking that an ad in a newsletter is like a banner ad on a website. Is that thought true? Are newsletter ads better than banners?
Here is one offer:
"We have several options available for you to reach the highest number of dog enthusiasts; the best being an email newsletter, which holds 500,000+ opt-in subscribers."
What in your opinion would be fair priced on that one?
I really want a solo ad but also want to start getting subscribers to my list.
This topic was started on Nov 20, 2014 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.