27 Aug 15 7:26 am
Facebook bans commercial posts
Does Facebooks ban on commercial sharing in the newsfeed relate only to shared content or does it also refer to video and picture ads as well.. ie , what is "the social stream"... does this block me from advertising in the newsfeed with a paid video ad which is interesting , but never the lass commercial. What am I allowed to do with paid ads ?
In case you missed it, Facebook signaled that starting in January users will see fewer overly promotional posts in their News Feeds, meaning Pages “that post promotional creative should expect their organic distribution to fall significantly over time.”
Specifically, Facebook will be making it harder for posts that push products or app installs, offer entry to promotions or sweepstakes or re-use the same content from advertisements to make it into the News Feed. Essentially, Facebook is saying: 1. If it feels like an ad don’t bother posting it in the social stream and 2. if you want to reach customers with a promotional message buy a ad.
That message from Facebook shouldn’t come as a surprise; the company has been signaling for years that its users prefer higher quality content and that it will always optimize for better user experiences.
But Zuckerberg didn’t stop there. He said he empathized with businesses trying to reach customers and that Facebook seriously considers product changes that “will have an impact on someone’s business.” But Facebook will always favor, he said, serving relevant information to its users over making sure businesses reach their customers. Here’s an extended excerpt of what he said on the subject:
There’s this inherent conflict in the system though, which is are we trying to optimize news feed to give each person, all of you guys, the best experience when you’re reading? Or are we trying to help businesses just reach as many people as possible?
And in every decision that we make, we optimize for the first, for making it so that the people who we serve, who use Facebook, and who are reading News Feed get the very best experience that they can. And that means that if a business is sharing content that’s going to be useful for them, then we’ll show that. But that means if the business is sharing content that isn’t going to be useful for them, we may not show that.
As the products continue to develop, there’s going to be more people sharing more things and we’re going to try to continue doing our best in showing the best that we can, knowing that there is no way that a person will take the time to go through every one of the 1,500 things that are shared with them every single day.
There are a lot of pages that are doing quite successfully; their organic reach is growing quite a bit because they are delivering content to people that they really want.
Thanks a lot