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Digital business cards maker?

Posts: 16
Joined: 13 Apr 23

Digital business cards maker?

Hi everyone!
I have a few upcoming networking events this spring so I thought of switching to digital business cards as I got a couple at the last month's conference. Any recommendations? It would be great if multilingual support is possible.
Thanks in advance!
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Posts: 51
Joined: 15 Nov 22
Good choice, DBCs are gradually replacing traditional business cards, and I can't say I'm not thrilled about this. The less paper around, the better, if you ask me. Check out the best virtual business card solutions listed and compared here. One of them does offer multilingual support but for the rest, I'm not sure. Also, what I find great is that you can update your info with no need to recreate a new card!
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Posts: 16
Joined: 13 Apr 23
Awesome, thanks for this comparison piece, it truly narrows it down!

And yeah, as I'm usually the one in charge of the paperwork, I'm more and more interested in digitizing files with each passing day :) I recently implemented the FileCenter DMS to aid me in the never-ending task of combing through bills, checks, invoices, and whatnot. Then, I was suddenly able to set rules about the destination folder of each freshly scanned PDF based on its content. This is a literal lifesaver. Don't know how I managed it without that before, honestly...

But I digress, lol. Off to make some DBCs!
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