Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
31 Jan 14 4:30 am
Hi Peter,
I'm sorry to hear about that. So, you're not able to use Facebook Ads for advertising your site/products on Facebook, but as a Facebook user with a Facebook account, you can use Facebook ads to view advertisements? Is that what you mean?
I did a quick search online apparently Facebook is in the habit of banning accounts either for suspected fraudulent activities, or for running "abusive" ads. Your ads were banned for either of these two reasons, and anything in between. Based on my quick research, they're not in the habit of responding to inquiries confirming the reason your ad campaign was banned, but still, try and send them an email and let them know how you can correct the error and get your Facebook Ads account reinstated.
If you don't hear back from them, or you did and they said "no", then the next best thing is to create a page for your site/product and invite people to like your page. Long-winded and time consuming, but this is still a free form of advertising for your site.
Hope that helps. Have a good day!