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Article Marketing Techniques

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Article Marketing Techniques

Hi all,

I have been using a certain method when it comes to article marketing which involves sending the same article to the top 5 or 6 article directories, and then using 1 more unique article to send to 25 article directories.

Has anyone ever seen any bad results from sending the same articles out to several directories? I read somewhere that some search engines may discount a back link from an article in an article directory that is the same as another article in another.

So for instance, say I add a unique article with back links to my site to ezines and then I use that same article to submit to amazines, would only one article with back links count when it comes to the search engines?

Anybody input is welcome here. Also, why not share your article submission techniques too for other readers ;)

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I'm also wondering if your technique will de-rank your article because of Duplicate Content, is that even for real?

Anyways, this is what I use to get great Google rank for my articles...

1. Create a HIGHLY Optemized article targeting 2 or 3 keywords.
2. Backlink it to my other articles, blogs, related forums, etc...
3. Convert the URL to XML and submit it to RSS Directories.
4. Submit the article URL to Google and www.freewebsubmission.com/

This gets me within the first 10 natural search results on google in my market.

Well, thats pritty much all I do for now but would love to learn fresh new ways. Anybody else have any other way?
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They can take away everything, but they can't take away your dreams!
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I'm just strating to try out article marketing. Is there anyone else on here thats making good money from article marketing alone? and how many articles should I be submitting on a regular basis?
Also, how long does it usually take to start seeing initial sales? I've heard someone else around here mention that you need to 'build a head of steam' before it takes off
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Hi Eddie,

I do a tremendous amount of article marketing. In fact, I run an entire private training service on it.

I'm not going to plug my training service here. If you're interested in learning how I do article marketing, visit Allan Gardyne's site at associateprograms.com and search his site for "Dan Ho" and my service is mentioned in his newsletter several times.

What I willy say is article marketing is a very powerful way of generating traffic and sales...and fast. PPC is faster, but PPC has a lot more risks. There is no one size fits all for everyone. It depends on your budget.

It also depends on how many articles you are writing per day. A good, constant volume is important.The most successful members in my service make the time to write 5 articles or so a day.

Sales can happen very rapidly. Within days of submitting articles. Even sooner.

Regarding the earlier posts from members here about the disadvantages of submitting the same article to multiple directories, I do not find this to be the case. Many people write articles for the express purpose of syndication.

People are allowed to use your articles and publish them on their site.

Therefore, in theory, I see nothing wrong with writing an original article and submitting it to multiple article directories. In fact, I've seen advantages to doing so.

As for when it "takes off" that will depend greatly on the competition in your particular niche. In my own niches, I start to see a pretty good flow of traffic and sales typically when I hit about 125 articles + onward.

Dan Ho
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It will not be devalued too much, although some. It's the same principle as news aggregation. The link is still better to have than not.
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Posts: 352
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Your technique is good.

No problem with it at all. I am pretty heavy at article marketing as well (doing this for two years, I outsource now).

ezinearticles.com will give you most of the traffic (80%)

What I do?

1. I submit 5 to 10 articles at the same time, several times a week to ezinearticles.

2. Then I submit some of these articles to my list of top 20 sites
Note: My Va rewrite the titles, and from time to time, they'll rewrite the article.

3. I continue with web 2.0 sites (squidoo, quizilla,)
Note: I rewrite those articles

4. I take the articles, write a short pdf report and sell it. the goal of this report is to build a list of buyers
Note: I promote affiliate links inside

5. I'm going to do this: turn articles into videos and submit to youtube, etc...

This is just the starting point of my article marketing strategy.

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From SEO perspective I think its the logarithmic scale of discounting for articles. Your link from the same article keeps getting discounted. So while it still gets count the value addition in terms of link building is little.


How do you manage to sell the articles? What kinda word length do those articles have?

One more thing you can do is convert them into podcasts as well as slideshows. Both bring in extra links
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