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Anyone heard of Ed Dale in Internet Marketing?

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Anyone heard of Ed Dale in Internet Marketing?

Hi folks

I've been kind of quiet around here since I joined. I got into internet marketing thanks to a guy named Ed Dale, who each year sponsors an event he calls the "30 Day Challenge", where he guides people along the path to making their first buck online.

Has anyone else had any experiences with him or his methods? I'm on a paid site of his where he teaches tactics in depth, and he is currently promoting a very expensive "link service" to boost the PR of your pages. It's very fast and very powerful...but...I'm just wondering...is this more a short-term scam than a long-term strategy? Will this sort of thing last? Has anyone seen it?

I read a post from Adrian or Sean (I think), where someone mentioned internet "gurus" who have gotten into the habit of pumping up each other's products with a lot of hype, knowing they'll have short half-lives. Ed seems to be a great guy, but this concept he's pushing smells funny for some reason, and I wanted a more experienced person's assesment.

It seems to me that Mark's methods and those of all of the folks here are more about strategies that aren't necessarily about making quick bucks in the short term, but rather more tried and true methods, that although requiring sustained effort, are more assured to pay off in the long run because they're solid.

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Last edited by dewey on 21 Jul 07 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Could you elaborate further on the link service you are mentioning? Links will help you long term if they stay there... or are you links being placed somewhere temporarily?
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Joined: 08 May 07
Hey Adrian.

Yeah, it's called "Search Engine Trust". It's a series of blogs that Ed and his business associates have purchased. They have all been around for a while, and have Google PR's from 3 to 7. They let you put your links on their blogs as long as you subscribe to their service, which is $247 / month. I went through a trial period, and it does work (some people have gotten to #1 in Google for an exact match within 48 hours).

But, you're exactly right in your suspicion...the signup page says "Your links will be permanent - As long as you're a member in good standing".

This sounds to me like once you stop subscribing to the service, the links are gone. As someone who's been doing this for a while, I'd really like your opinion, as well as other folks, if you think it's worth it to pay this much for high PR links that don't last unless you keep paying for them. I guess it depends on whether you've got a winning product?

Not to mention; won't Google eventually find this and call it a "link farm" and pull the plug?

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Last edited by dewey on 25 Jul 07 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Hmmm........ no I don't think Google would call it a link farm since the blogs are well managed I am assuming and its not a circle of links. So you are allowed to post to blogs with high PR is what you are saying? ... for $247 / month? That's a bit steep in my opinion.... How many blogs are there and what is the average PR?

As long as your links stay where they are AFTER you leave as a member it should be fine (still think it's too pricy though). If they went back and removed your links AFTER you left as a member, that would be pretty sleezy I think. The blog ring of networks seems to be popular now.

Are they targeted? You can get yourself a PR7 link for about $30-$50 a month you know if that's what you really want.
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I've heard about this. I'm a member of another site that has something similar and as long as it's done right, it can be really powerful.

As to whether it's worth $247 a month, if it helps you make an extra 247 a month, do you think it would be worth it? Bit hard to say yes or no, all depends on your circumstances.
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Thanks very much guys, I really appreciate your insight.

I didn't know the average PR7 link was $30-$50/mo. That's good info. Maybe I should start a new thread on this, but what do you do to get links like those? Do you just email some high PR sites and offer? Adrian, your response sounded like there might be better ways in your opinion to get traffic. (Sorry if it's obvious to everyone; I'm still a little green).


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The forums over at digitalpoint are a good place to get links. You can pick up some bargains there.

If you're new, I would recommend starting there.
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