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Anybody recommend some helpful affiliate marketing books?

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Anybody recommend some helpful affiliate marketing books?

Hey Guys,

I've just finished reading Simpleology by Mark Joyner which was really good by the way, would recommend it to anyone. Does anybody know any good books that will help with affiliate marketing or books that are worth reading?

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Yea it is a good book......... chapter 5 myself :)

Bonuses are nice too.... although I only got one.....
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I've been reading a few general business books. Not related to affiliate marketing exactly, but they're good for the brain :)

Blue Ocean Strategy - Kim & Mauborgne
Good to Great - Jim Collins
Blueprint to a Billion - David Thomson
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Adrian, what bonus did you get with it? There's the desktop tools what you get with it, is that what you mean? :)

Hey Sean,

I suppose the blue ocean strategy book could fit in with affiliate marketing in some ways, judging from what I've just read about it. Might look it up, cheers.

Anybody with anymore great books let me know.

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Nope... when you order there are bonuses included you can tick off, dvds, free tickets to seminars, etc.... although I only got 1 our of the 10 or so I chose....
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Didn't know that. They are pretty good bonuses yea, I will have to see if I can still get em still. :)

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Well, they're all just about business in general, so they can pretty much be applied to any business. Worth a read though.
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sean06 wrote:Well, they're all just about business in general, so they can pretty much be applied to any business. Worth a read though.

Ok Sean cheers :)
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Hi Guys,

Here's a few on my list...

Influence by Robert Cialdini - Great read for anyone interested in marketing & persuasion.

Secrets Of Entrepreneurs Exposed by Dale Beaumont - Brilliant stories and insight into the minds of successful entrepreneurs.

The Ultimate Marketing Plan & The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy - A must read if you want to make more money in your business.

Sorry no direct affiliate marketing books but really everything you need for affiliate marketing is on this site. :D

Have Fun & Take Action

Scott Wilson
www.TheEntrepreneursCopyWriter.com :!: :!:
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Hi Macdee,

:?: I suppose it depends what you are trying to achieve out of the books i.e. inspiration, motivation, strategies you can apply straight away to your business :) etc

These are two books I have always found personally indispensable

:arrow: Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Classic and timeless, the godfather of all the success books and..

:arrow: The One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G Allen

This book provides strategies and a great story...very entertaining

I aslo have all the Bradley J Sugars book series in his "Instant" Business books i.e. "Instant Cashlow","Instant Advertising"

:idea: I don't read those types of books from end to end, I more or less just highlight specific strategies, use post it notes, write notes on the book and use the tips only when I need them (save cluttering the mind)

I have probably read over 100 books on wealth creation in different fields and realise that...

:!: "Most people know what to do, They just don't do what they Know"

I am also Currently reading "The Art of Happiness" different read.


Matt 8)
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Book by Rosalind Gardners supposed to be pretty good, I myself haven't got around to reading it but I know she makes a whole lot of money affiliate marketing!
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This is not related to Affiliate Marketing, but it's helped change my life around! "Your Best Life Now" , by Joel Osteen - highly recommended.
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