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Anybody experienced The Motivated Marketing System software?

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Joined: 15 Oct 06

Anybody experienced The Motivated Marketing System software?

Hey guys, just wondering if any of you have any experience with a software called The Motivated Marketing System.

I just acquired it but haven't uploaded it to my webhost or anything yet, but it sure doesn't give you much documentation on how to use it. It gives you instructions on how to upload it but little else.

It is supposed to be a widely used software by marketers for handling everything from your autoresponders, to backend sales, and even your own affiliate program if you happen to have one. Anybody have any knowledge about this, or where I might be able to find some documentation.

I also acquired an article submitting software, holy crap, do you ever have to register with a lot of article directories before that sucker does it's work but I'm hoping that will help out. Thank god I use Roboform. lol

Anyways, back to first question, if anybody could enlighten me a bit on the Motivated Marketing System I'd really appreciate it. Thanx very much
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davinator wrote:... I also acquired an article submitting software, holy crap, do you ever have to register with a lot of article directories before that sucker does it's work but I'm hoping that will help out. Thank god I use Roboform. lol

Anyways, back to first question, if anybody could enlighten me a bit on the Motivated Marketing System I'd really appreciate it. Thanx very much

You may want to open a gmail account just for your automated submissions because you're going to get A LOT of mail. I used a automatic submitter and it's not bad after you sign up for all the accounts but I found I got a whole lot more traffic just by submitting directly to ezinearticles.com (my submitter didn't use them).

No idea about MMS except a guy on another private forum said that he had to make some changes to the software in order to get it to work. You may want to Google "motivated marketing system" +hacks or +install ... things like that, if all that fails. PM me and I can get you touch with this guy, I know he's a programmer.

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I have the MMSystem on my hard drive, but I never installed it.

If you find an easy tutorial, let me know.
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html
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Hey Davin,

I use MMS and I just installed one for my PLR Sale site. The install wasn't an easy one and the documentation could do with some work...

Moreover, their website has stopped supporting it and now only offer paid support!

PM me if you need some help on it. Its quite nice once its setup, but there's some major security bugs there that's allowed some clever (crafty) people to get in and download my stuff for free.

Good thing I'm a programmer and can fix it myself!
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Yes i think i'm going to have to take you up on that when i try to get the sucker up and running. I've never tried to implement anything like that before, I'm not sure yet when I'll do it, still working out a few other things but I shall let you know. Thanx very much for the offer. Cheers Davin
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Sure, just PM me when you're ready.
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