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5 tips to boost your social media marketing

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Joined: 16 Dec 16

5 tips to boost your social media marketing

Here in this article, I would like to walk you through some of the most effective hooks that will help you get most out of your social media marketing.
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Posts: 23
Joined: 04 Jan 17
1. Share at the best times.

There may not an exact best time to post, but data analytics firm SumAll found the optimum times to post on various platforms as follows: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

2.Grow your email list.

Yes, email is still popular. In 2012, 91 percent of consumers reported checked their email everyday, according to a survey by Exact Target, now part of Salesforce.

3. Conduct A/B tests.

How can a company owner learn if a social-media campaign is reaching the intended audience or figure out which components customers liked? Run a simple A/B test, also known as split testing.

4. Send the right message to the right platform.

Every social media platform serves a different purpose and draws a distinctive audience. Understanding this can make your marketing efforts go more smoothly.

5. Don’t just rely on organic strategies.

In a perfect world, organic search-engine optimatization efforts would be enough for all your marketing needs. And best of all, it’s free. But the world isn’t perfect. Sometimes you have to pay for a spike in traffic.
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Thank for sharing! This is a good place to learn about marketing
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Joined: 10 Apr 17
Many thanks for sharing. I have read it, these pieces of advices are definitely helpful for business. In my opinion, there are many ways or growth hacking to increase sale through social media channels. But the useful content is always King. In addition, I have found an article which talks about tips to boost social media marketing too. It provides the tips like reward point, coupon,...
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