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Which Keyword Research Tool Is Ultimately The Best?

Posts: 69
Joined: 17 Mar 07

Which Keyword Research Tool Is Ultimately The Best?

Hello Guys,

With so many keyword research tools out there, I'm getting kinda lost.

Which keyword tool is ultimately the best, regardless of the costs? If I have to pay a few bucks on research, I don't mind, because I know it will pay of in the end.

I hear a lot of talk about Overture and Wordtracker, but what about NicheBot for example? I also heard about the Google AdWords research tool.

Basically I'm just looking for a tool similar to Overture, it's really simple and easy to understand.

I'm looking for the qualifications that everyone is looking for; accurate and reliable statistics. So how about it? What are your experiences, whats being said about which tools?

Thanks, regards, Rudolf.
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This account is managed by two persons; Maarten and Rudolf. You may find either of us posting individually with this account.
Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Wordtracker works for me just fine.
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Posts: 1004
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Yeh, none are going to be perfect, just remember that it's all relative. I use the free wordtracker and it's fine.
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When I was building Adsense sites full time, I used a service called Keyword Domination which would spit out literally thousands of keywords for just one inputted keyword - it's a real time saver if you want to build sites FAST.

Now that I've turned my promotions towards quality rather than quantity, I found the huge list of kws of KwD didn’t really suit my needs. Now I just open Traffic Travis, free wordtracker and kwbrowse. I also have a Nichebot account but only use it as a last resort, I'm not sure why I'm not crazy about it, just not.

Try them all and see which suits your style of searching.

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Posts: 69
Joined: 17 Mar 07
Hey guys,

thanks for your replies.

So what you're saying is that all of those tools are basically all equally reliable? Because that's what counts for me. I want to make sure the results are ]real.

I'm having trouble with the free Wordtracker tool though; for me it doesn't show the number of searches for each search term. E.g. with Overture they'll tell you the most searched keywords and the number of searches for each keyword in a particular month. Any help on that?

Thanks again. Regards, Rudolf.
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This account is managed by two persons; Maarten and Rudolf. You may find either of us posting individually with this account.
Posts: 37
Joined: 24 Aug 06

From what I understand, there is only one major difference and that is if you are wanting to promote seasonal products.

Wordtracker uses a 90-100 day database and therefore misses out the true volume of searches that may happen only once a year.

Here is a link that explains some of the differences better
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