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What Would Make a Better Domain Name?

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What Would Make a Better Domain Name?

Hi, i´m wondering what keyword would it be better to target AS A DOMAIN NAME

1.- A low competition keywordd with 880 global monthly searches and a $47.77
PPC cost

2.- OR a High competition keyword with 16 global monthly searches and a $11.79 PPC cost

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Last edited by angelnewsletters on 23 Jun 13 12:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Hi angelnewsletters,

You should choose a domain name suitable to the niche and products you're wanting to promote as an affiliate. And ideally one that is memorable and non-spammy-looking.

While your domain name can have an impact on your SEO rankings, I wouldn't use this as the sole reason for choosing a domain name. If I had to choose between a keyword-rich domain name that looked like www.how-to-stop-dog-digging.com and www.bobsdogs.com .... I'm going to go with Bob. (Although this one appears to be taken, hah!)

If you were thinking of doing PPC, and JUST bidding on keywords very closely related to your domain name, it might help you get clicks because the display domain name will closely match the keyword someone searched for.... but with such expensive cost per click (Close to $50! Holy moly!) I don't know why you would.

Maybe you could share how you were hoping to promote the site. Were you wanting to SEO or PPC? Are you promoting just one product / solving just one problem in a very narrow niche, or are there quite a few products to promote / problems the product will help solve?
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Thanks aletta for your support, the thing is that a domain i want is taken in .com so i can get it in .net, which have higher PPC cost and high search volume, but as somebody else has the .com i don't know if it is going to help ME or HIM if i get the .net and try to rank int, so instead i could get another domain .com with lower PPC and search volume, so which one should i buy?
Thanks again for your help
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Your domain name doesn't really have much impact on what you pay for PPC. Your domain name doesn't really have MUCH impact on how you rank for a keyword in SEO. The average CPC for PPC doesn't have any impact on how much you're going to earn with your website. I'm a little confused as to why you've combined all these factors :)

I'd go out on a limb and suggest you just forget about keywords, CPC, monthly searches etc, and just choose a domain name that is suitable for your niche and the products you want to promote.

If you choose a .COM over a .NET, the only reason is that it is easier for people to remember, and people are less likely to type in your competitor's address when they want to visit your site.

But that's assume people are TYPING IN your address. Most people will come through a link, so they're just clicking.

[ I see you're deciding on the .COM (https://www.affilorama.com/forum/seo/what-it-is-better-a-com-w-low-searches-or-a-net-w-high-s-t24704.html) ... good stuff :) ]
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aletta wrote:Your domain name doesn't really have much impact on what you pay for PPC. Your domain name doesn't really have MUCH impact on how you rank for a keyword in SEO. The average CPC for PPC doesn't have any impact on how much you're going to earn with your website. I'm a little confused as to why you've combined all these factors :)

I'd go out on a limb and suggest you just forget about keywords, CPC, monthly searches etc, and just choose a domain name that is suitable for your niche and the products you want to promote.

If you choose a .COM over a .NET, the only reason is that it is easier for people to remember, and people are less likely to type in your competitor's address when they want to visit your site.

But that's assume people are TYPING IN your address. Most people will come through a link, so they're just clicking.

[ I see you're deciding on the .COM (https://www.affilorama.com/forum/seo/what-it-is-better-a-com-w-low-searches-or-a-net-w-high-s-t24704.html) ... good stuff :) ]

Yes, i really don´t know where i heard that EMD are kind of important to rank, and i really believe so, because i have an EMD and if you type this keywords in Google "vacaciones y tours" (vacations and tours) my site is #1, over other sites even like trip advisor and best day travel which has HUGE presence in Internet travel keywords in Mexico, you just type ANY thing you want related to travel, tickets, tours, and Best Day will be in the 1st 5 places on page #1 in Google MX, and how come that i´m #1 with my EMD, so i DO believe an EMD is very important for your keywords, so i just wanted to know then which would be still better a .com with LOW PPC cost or a .NET with High PPC cost.
But well things are changing now and maybe it it not that important anymore, anyway i´m ranked #1 with this keywords (which by the way Google ad words does not tells you ANY data about search volume or anything else, maybe NOBODY is searching those terms lol)
Thanks 4 your support
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I remember Google targeting EMDs sometime last year. Sam wrote a blogpost about it:
Is Google Now Penalizing Exact Match Domains?

What this teaches us is EMD is not everything. If your EMD site is ranking #1, then great. But I am sure that there more weighty factors that make your site #1, not just having an EMD.

I try to keep things simple when it comes to choosing a domain name. This is because I don't want to get stuck early on in setting up my site. When choosing a domain name I only keep three things in mind: descriptive, .COM and easy to remember/catchy.

Just consider Affilorama. It's not descriptive although the first part of the word does appear to be derived from affiliate marketing. It is a .COm and catchy. Our domain name is not EMD, but we are ranking #1 for the term affiliate marketing, the last time I checked. :)

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Ok, Cecille and aletta, lets forget about the domain and focus on the keywords

What keyword would you rather target:

1.- A low competition keyword with 880 global monthly searches and a $47.77
PPC cost

2.- OR a High competition keyword with 16 global monthly searches and a $11.79 PPC cost

Thanks for your support!!
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If you could just let us know what sort of product you're wanting to promote, and how you're wanting to promote this website, our answers can be a lot more helpful!

* Are you planning to get traffic to your site via SEO?
* Are you planning to buy traffic through PPC?
* Are you wanting to promote an affiliate product?
* Are you interested in building a site to put AdSense on?

At the moment I'm still very confused about what you're trying to do.

I'm also not sure how you can call a keyword with a $47 CPC a "low competition" keyword. My understanding of PPC is that a CPC only gets that high by being competitive. Either that or your site is completely irrelevant to the search term and Google wants to strangle you with high CPC.
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Hi Aletta, my keywords are Spanish keywords about travel, so i just want to now what keyword to target and rank my site in the organic results, no PPC or other, but only organic results, and is just a question, because i still don´t understand very well why there a so much competition for some keywords and very low search volume, Cecille explained that to me already and i understand that it might be because those keywords convert very well, but EVEN if they have SO LOW search volume? like 17 or 20 searches a month? You know what, i think that is because there are a lot of people paying PPC and advertising and competing and Bidding WITHOUT knowing what they are doing, only that explains it.
But thanks very much Aletta for your support
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Often its the keywords with low search volume that will convert better.

When people are typing in something more specific, it means they really know what they want and they're closer to buying than someone who is just looking for general information. So these very specific keywords (often with very low search volume) will often convert much better than a more general, high volume search term.

It could also mean that people don't know what they're doing... the way to check is to look at the sites who are bidding on particular keywords now, and then come back in a month or so. (Or longer, if it's really low search volume.) People generally won't keep bidding on something if they're losing money.

Some PPC advertisers specialise in going after these "long tail" search terms. You need to target a LOT of them to get good traffic to your site, and it's labor-intensive, but they're often lower-cost and higher-converting.

From an SEO perspective, instead of being "lower cost" you might find them easier to rank for. (Competition in the Google keyword tool refers to advertisers in AdWords, not SEO competition.) But again.... labor-intensive, particularly if you try creating a piece of unique content for each and every one.
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I just randomly dropped into this feed. After reading the first post, I was going to say the same thing about the domain name and EMD drama. But you all have covered that very nicely! I liked how you transitioned into keyword info. Lots of helpful stuff here. Thanks!
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SEO experts often say that domain names that contain keyword phrases perform better on the search engines!
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kallayprasanth05 wrote:SEO experts often say that domain names that contain keyword phrases perform better on the search engines!

I don't think this holds true, especially after Google penalized sites with EMD late last year.

If you can have your target keyword on your domain name then great. But don't force it if your domain name becomes long, or sounds unnatural or unappealing to users. Your content and your links have more weight in SEO than your domain name.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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