Posts: 11
Joined: 25 Jul 10
03 Aug 10 2:08 am
Hello friends,
Thank you for your time in answering my questions.
My idea is to choose a niche and work with two tactics.
The first approach - Within the chosen niche finding a great product to promote using AdWords Landing Pages with PPC, and receive visitors and redirect to the merchant's website sales, but rather capture the e-mail address and name of the visitor to action e-mail marketing.
The second strategy - is to create a website in wordpress and submit many articles with relevant keywords and create a page with a review of five products in the same niche including the product that I promote, all products with my affiliate link so I can work WITH SEO on this website and will have two fronts of action for the same product.
First Landing Pages with PPC ADWORDS.
The second website with over a pre-sale ultiliza SEO with content relevant keywords and review of products and showing the same product for sale.