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Traffic Travis Reliability

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Joined: 26 Nov 09

Traffic Travis Reliability


A humble question regarding Traffic Travis. I've seen some irregularities using Traffic Travis and wanted to pick the brains of the folks that have used it long term.

The first issue that I realized was with the keyword research tool. I've recently decided to start marketing a particular niche. When doing a search on a keyword, the keyword tool returned the keyword that I searched for but also returned 100 other keywords that had nothing to do with my niche. When doing a similar search on the same keyword using Googles keyword tool, Google returned about 50 good keyword suggestions which I started focusing on.

The other possible issue that I noticed was when using the SEO Analysis feature. Searching on each keyword to find the Difficulty Rating. Of the 30 keywords that I was targeting the majority of them came back with a Rating of 4 stars. Some of the 4 star ratings were for keywords that google clamed had over 35,000 searches per month. Of the low rated keywords (2 or 3 stars) google was showing that there were under 1000 searches for each per month.

Now I'm completely willing to accept that maybe I found a niche that is profitable and not very well marketed but my question is whether or not I need the professional version of Traffic Travis in order to get the most accurate information. If thats the case, than I'm completely open to purchasing that version of the software. I'd simply like to know what I'm up against. ;)

Hope no one takes this as a knock on your software or service. Both of which I hold in very high regards.

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Site Admin
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Joined: 13 Jun 06
Hi Myron

Can you please PM me your search phrases so I can do some testing thanks :)
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I have similar questions as well. I'm familiar with basic seo and I'm getting a lot of 4 star results where several of the top 10 sites listed are authority sites (Wikipedia, etc).

Is Traffic Travis programmed to recognize these types of sites in its results?
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Posts: 3
Joined: 07 Jan 10
I was just wondering if the free version of Traffic Travis 'does not' have the star ranking on the SEO Analysis tool. That is what I was hoping to see after putting key phrases in, obviously. I have the free version and no star rating after analysis. Thanks in advance. Jess
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Posts: 3
Joined: 07 Jan 10
Sorry, strike that last post. I've no idea why but, now all of a sudden, I have the star ranking after analysis. Just a fluke I suppose. Love the tool. Thanks so much. Jess
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