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"The money is in the List"-BUT how to build one from Leads?

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Joined: 14 Jun 07

"The money is in the List"-BUT how to build one from Leads?


My first post. And I wouldnt say Im new to affiliate marketing. As Ive been researching and immersing myself for over a Year and a half. (But I am struggling - Why?)
Trust me I know heaps and Im subscribed to about 18 Newsletters...Most of them the Internet Gurus...You know the usual, here with Mark Ling, Eric Holmund, Mike Filsaime, ShawnCasey, Mathew Glanfield, Eben Pagan, Joe Vitale, Stompernet, Ryan Dies to name a Few....
What do I know?
Lets see, upload scripts to Hosting via FTP and using CPanel.
Lost over a grand on Google Adwords, and given up on Adsense.
Understand the psychology behind Niche Market, Keyword Analysis and research
In fact Ive gone over some of the many different training techniques by the above people and more
And Ive even tried putting systems together...Like setting up Squeeze page, putting an Adwords Campaign, driving trafffic to a few Affiliate programs from clickbank ....
You name it....
Heres the problem.
After a year and a half, Im still worse off than I started....
In fact silly me...I left my job (constructive dismissal actually) over a year ago...
And since then Ive immersed myself with SO Much research and reading and ....
I even know more about Salehooo and Worldwide Brands and have tried Drop Shipping....than most internet marketers.
But gave up after Ebay and Oztion.com.au closed my accounts for either huge unpaid debts and or fraudulent experiences via overseas drop shippers. (will come back to drop shipping one day)

Now back to Affiliate Marketing
I think i suffer from Information Overload and basically Analysis Paralysis...Anyone Else?
I have more notes and pads on internet marketing than a law student for a whole year studying law...
I realise its Applied Knowledge thats worth more than what you learn...
I mean I use to believe Content was King...then it was Keyword....now according to a research book im reading its neither!!
Its actually CONTEXT...(subjective i know)
Anyway what am I blabbing about...
Ive got one final shot at this...Something I did not know until a few weeks ago.

I have joined a few lead generation sites free and paid...
Some of them I still am amazed that they could give away so many optin leads...
ATM I have tallied from the 5 different sources, leads amouning to about 135,000!!!
Yes most of them recently new the rest about 2 months old
And they will increase as I can download another 5k each and EVERY day.

What would You do with them? How would you use them??
BTW its all to do with make money or online business leads etc and they are targeted.
Again Im left with an overwhelming sense of disbelief that this was around and I just found out about it couple of weeks ago.
Definately say goodbye to Google Adwords at least for testing markets etc.

Im guarding my sources now..:-)
Be interested to know if ANY of you would give me some ideas on how to use them ..(the leads)
Shall I set up a squeeze page and direct each one to build a list? and make money over time....(the money is in the list)

Shall I just send them (using bulk emailer) my affiliate URLS?
And again how or whats the best autoresponder to use that would not restrict sending out 500 emails max per day like gmail?

Basically im kind of stuck...You know the feeling that "How can you NOT succeed " when you know you have Free Optin leads of around 5,000 a day and its not costing you a leg?

Just hope Im not gonna sit on my butt and do nothing due to my overwhelming WOW feeling in my guts.

Would appreciate some advice on processing these leads (i know heaps of them will prob be fake or spam so im prepared...)

Your comments will be appreciated.
Victor Trooper
*broken links*
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Last edited by michellerana on 12 Dec 10 3:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Posts: 37
Joined: 13 Nov 08
Sounds like you're definitely suffering from I-O my friend, but don't let it get you down. It's time to trim the fat so to speak and focus on what works. In my experience paid newsletters only make money for the ones who publish them. ;-) I had to cancel all of the ones I was subscribed to because there was no ROI and at $29 to $39 a pop it adds up pretty quickly. I would be very careful with those "opt-in leads" you got because as you know, it's very easy to get shut down from spam complaints.
Are they double opt-in? Do you have an autoresponder service like Aweber or Getresponse? What about squeezepage generator software? How targeted are these leads...are they niche specific in any way? Are you familiar with using sub-domains? With that many "targeted leads" you should be able to build a good size list of targeted "buyers" :-)

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Blogging tips,tricks & resources for newbies-http://terryhenry.wordpress.com Now you can learn from the most successful bloggers on the net, all in one place.
Posts: 3
Joined: 12 Feb 09
if you are not finding any way out for the prob, then consider for an expert suggestions.
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Posts: 1
Joined: 04 Mar 09
well, you might not be new to affiliate marketing. but there are many new to this field. all they need few surveys report to know more about it.
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