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Joined: 18 Feb 10


Hi Everyone

I am new here, just learning my way around. I was wondering if safelists work and if they are worth the effort in

marketing. Thanks for your replies

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Yes they do, if they don't there wouldn't be so many Traffic Exchanges and safelists popping up every other day.

BUT the thing here is you have to take a very different approach to them when compared to mainstream marketing, it's better to get suscribers to your list from there than direct sales, but then again due to the amount of spam that is circulating there most people would also use their 2nd or 3rd e-mail to opt-in....

And it is a VERY, VERY negative place...
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It is a very good strategy for list building, though you may not make too many sales for the amount of safelists you would have to post in.
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Posts: 2
Joined: 27 Feb 11
Safe list email sites, are basically meant for list building. There are several such sites, but results vary niche by niche. In
internet marketing and online money making niche results are awesome. The best strategy is get members of such safe list sites on your list and then its your turn how you take out money from them.
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This topic was started on Feb 18, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
