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Product suggestions for prepper niche

Posts: 9
Joined: 29 Jul 13

Product suggestions for prepper niche

Hello All

I am in the process of putting together content for a site in the prepper niche. Most of the products I find tend to be more for the survival niche. While most, if not all, survivalists are preppers, not all preppers are survivalists.

Does anyone know of any good products that are for preppers only


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Site Admin
Posts: 3224
Joined: 16 Apr 12
Hi Al,

You can search on Google for affiliates. Such as this search results link here:

https://www.google.com/search?num=50&sa ... J1xTA42mgk
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Posts: 361
Joined: 10 May 11
You could search Clickbank for products in the prepper niche. Although you might have to search "survival" too to find some of them. Then you could make a spread sheet with all the products you find. Include their gravity and a link to their sales page.

Then when you have time take a look at the ones that are selling okay - that have a decent gravity. You can go through their sales pages to get an better idea what they're about. Take notes. Watch sales videos to see if they're any good. Do they entice you to want to purchase the product or do they pretty much suck?

Highlight the products in your spreadsheet that you like the best so you know which ones you want to promote. When talking about the product to your list you can use the information you gathered from your notes. You can also get ideas from the emails they provide for you on their products affilate page.

There's also a lot of physical products you could be promoting in the prepper niche. But if you promote physical products from Amazon you're not allowed to link to them from your newsletter or PDF unfortunately.
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