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Problems with Dating advertising on facebook - help!

Posts: 3
Joined: 08 Feb 12

Problems with Dating advertising on facebook - help!

Hey everybody,

I am trying to advertise for a dating-site on facebook.

But somehow it does not work and always got - regardless of the photo or text - blogged!

What could be the problem?
Have anyone tips and tricks?

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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi cornelia.m.jung,

Welcome to Affilorama! :)

Advertising on Facebook can be tricky. You might want to start by familiarizing yourself with Facebook's Advertising Guidelines. Please take note of this clause in particular:

Ads for adult friend finders or dating sites with a sexual emphasis are not permitted. Ads for other online dating services must adhere to the dating targeting requirements and the name of the product or service must be included in the ad text or image.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Posts: 3
Joined: 08 Feb 12
hey cecille,

thanks a lot for your answer!

I did run a couple of ads with c-dates and edates on Facebook, I actually saw that section about dating on Facebook as well but c-dates and edates wasn’t a problem to run at all here in Germany. This other advertiser is not different than them, there is no sexual emphasis. But I did a little research and saw that facebook apparently allows “sex-kontakt”-ads which made me even more confused. I have no idea how facebook filters, does anyone have a clue?
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Posts: 647
Joined: 18 Aug 09
From what I understand, FB ads are reviewed by individual people if one reviewer denies the ad, another might accept it, so perhaps just tweak something and resubmit it. You might get a different reviewer who might take a more lenient view of your ad.

Hope this helps.
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This topic was started on Feb 08, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
