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ppv and new landing page

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

ppv and new landing page

I have gotten some good advice lately but always need more. My last question was about PPV and why I might not be selling anything, Some people were saying that many people have banner blindness where people didn't even see my sales banners next to my articles, some said I should use different parts of my site as the landing page and run ads for that part of my site but If I have travel site and want to have people book flights, a hotel and all the other things they can get through my site I don't understand why I would want to run separate ads for each part. If I were selling something that paid a commission of about 25 dollars I could see spending more for separate ads but when your only making about 4 or 5 bucks on each thing I need to have very cheap ads. I was thinking about making a landing page instead of using my sites home page. My home page has a lot of info on it and tells people where to go to do each part of there trip but even though some people are on the site for up to 5 minutes no one is booking anything, I know when i did my vacation planning i when on sites many times before booking. So with that said what could i put on a landing page to make people want to stay and look more at the rest of the site. should I use big print with some catchy things on it to say how easy it is to use the site and get the info they need to do what they want to do and put some kind of call to action on it somewhere. I am kind of at a little bit of a loss since I think my landing page says it all and the menu bar takes people anywhere on the site to get the info they need. any ideas or maybe a site for travel site building. Thanks Mark
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Can you put up a link to your site so we know what we're looking at.
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
I am not sure if I can post my site name since i posted it on my last question titled ppv ads because I don't know how many times I am allowed to post it because of someone thinking I am using the forum for a back link. sorry for rambling here is my url www.myitaliantravels.com but if it is removed go to my last post on the same subject of ppv ads and get my url there, thanks mark
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Joined: 11 Jul 10
Just put yourself in your visitors shoes and think of what you would click.. just try not to be too bias at the same time though

Its easier to miss a banner or call to action beside an article rather than one that is related in the middle of your article or at the end of your article.. (just think of how many google ads you have actually clicked on when reading an article where the ad is right beside the article)

No expert on this though by any means... I am just speaking from the perspective of a visitor who goes to your site, that I wouldnt really click on any of the ads you have at the sides cause they dont make any sense to me or I would miss them really easily
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Posts: 67
Joined: 07 Oct 09
You def need to have a landing page. You have to remember that a PPV popup or pop under is mostly 750 X 550 pixel or 800 X 600. And your website would not fit into that...

About Banner blindness and all that stuff, I have done a little of PPV my self and its really a traffic source for the creative mind. And the thing is there is no rules so you can be as bold as you want. Usually the more bold you are the better conversions. Think about it what would you do if you see a popup when surfing on the web? Probably PUKE and close it down as fast as possible. Thats why you Have to grab their attention. Some People refers to PPV as Shock Marketing You Must Shock your audience to get their attention. IF you promoted lets say some Car Insurnace offers. You could have two cars crashing in a video/on picture pepole hanging out thru the window half dead and having some question like. This could be you Can you afford to be without insurance bla bla bla...

I know this is very bold and close to unethical but thats whats works anyway. Put your own spin on it be creative and do not just create a standard LP....
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