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Page not showing in Google results

Posts: 52
Joined: 11 Oct 11

Page not showing in Google results

Hi guys,

I have a weight loss website that has been on the net now for about 1 year 6 months and one of my keyword/pages i am targeting is "Burn the fat feed the muscle review".
My problem is this, when i do a search on Google for "Burn the fat feed the muscle review" there are a total of 89 results and i went through all the 89 results, my page is nowhere to be found.

Is it because that page is not indexed or what? I mean i have been building links to that page now for more than a year.

Thanky guys.
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Lloyd, try searching for your site domain name. If that pulls up, then you should be indexed, and it would just be a matter of Google not seeing that you're relevant for that term.

Also, I just did a search for that exact phrase in quotes, and it pulled up 890,000 hits. I've noticed that when Google has so many results, they start flaking out after about page 8 or 9, so it could easily be that you are there and indexed, just not pulling up.

Another way to check would be to use Google's Webmaster tools. That should give you an idea of the phrases you are ranking for and approximately where they rank you.
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Hi Gradyp, thanks for the feedback.

I did a search for my domain name like site:www.sitename.com and the page for the keyword "burn the fat feed the muscle review" did not come up.

I checked in Google webmaster tools and it shows nothing for that page.

I don't think it is because Google doesn't find my my page relevant for that term because i mean my page it just a basic review page with about 500 words and a few pictures. It is exactly what a review page is suppose to be about. It even look better than some of the pages that are rank on page 1 for that term.

The funny thing is that i used to be indexed a few months ago but but now this page is just miraculously gone.

Guys what do your'll think the problem could be.

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If it was indexed a few months ago, I'd be willing to bet that more than likely it still is, but it's just so far down you're not seeing it. Google is constantly changing its algorithm (we only hear of just a handful of the ones they really do), and some of them really hurt at times. That's one reason I know my brother often talks about not relying on search results for traffic.

It sounds to me like this is just part of that Google dance of figuring out what Google likes to rank your page.
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Hi lloydc1c1,

I m not sure what else is happening here but how long have you been doing SEO for the site? And how consistent?

I agree with GradyP. You need to find alternatives to Google traffic. I suggest you also make a marketing plan that targets direct traffic- like SMM. Building your own list through email marketing is also helpful.

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Yes guys, i understand exactly what your are saying but let me explain it differently.

Lets say you have a page called "how to lose belly fat" and lets say that that keyword has a total of 1 hundred results.(Total). I obviously would not expect my page to even be in the top 90 even but my page should atleast be somewhere in those total hundred results right. Even if my page is last. It must still be somewhere in those result.

Are you guys getting what im saying.

So why is my page not showing anywhere.

@gradyp. I searched through "EVERY SINGLE ONE" of the results for "Burn the fat feed the muscle review" and my page doesn't show up anywhere. Its not far down because like i am saying i look at "ALL" the results.

Thanks guys.
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Site Admin
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Hi llyodc1c1,

The "Burn the fat feed the muscle review" is around 800k plus on Google. Is the page for this key term your homepage?

If you cannot find your site, I suggest you ping this link again then perhaps do some quality backlinking for this perhaps within one to two months and see what happens then.

Updating your content for this page may also help.

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